○ The Fukushima Crisis 389 ; Folks! Stop the Fukushima Expo.福島の"まるごと博"止めよう!

2012-09-30 12:07:01 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

09/28/2012 prof. Takeda [ Kunihiko ] . Chubu University . Cabinet Office Atomic-Energy-Commission . The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology technology and the Science Council
Urgent appeal!!
Prudence of Fukushima Exposition of "recomended to buy foods everything of Fukushima" -- being wanted.
(Although it was urgent and recording did not meet the deadline, readers read aloud.)
Thank you.
A sound is in below.
The report of "Exposition of recomended to buy foods everything of Fukushima" which Fukushima performs to Yomiuri Shimbun on September 27, 2012 had come out greatly.
It was "in order to blow away the damage caused by rumors of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster", but it appeals for a stop to Fukushima and appeals correction of a report for nonparticipation to Fukushima residents at Yomiuri Shimbun.
Contamination is dangerous in the first place first.
It sets aside, and if common, one person's thyroid abnormalities are the woman schoolchildren of Fukushima at 100 persons, and it is [ full-scale ] 54 persons and a junior high girl whether it develops sick, and it is 55 persons.
In Chernobyl, if it considers that thyroid cancer is increasing even if 26 year passes, worries of mother with a child will be loans, if it goes.
It is trying to increase such people.
Toden polluted Fukushima and it is not a person of Fukushima.
Fukushima residents will become an assailant if such [ as it is ] a thing is done.
A possibility that a radiation injury will come out is high, and if it does so, the person of Fukushima is the same as bodiy injury.
It is already "contaminated as few as possible" by law, and it does not become precocious although a member of society does not know it.
A "head" is people (the person of Fukushima, the Japanese's) agreement rather than it decides a statute.
That is, if Fukushima residents participate in ""Exposition of recomended to buy foods everything of Fukushima", people's agreement will be broken, and Fukushima residents will become an assailant if a sick person comes out.
Please demonstrate in front of the hall of "Exposition of recomended to buy foods everything of Fukushima" , and stretch a picket.
Since he cannot avoid contamination, it is not a Japanese feeling to contaminate others.
It is not the second damage caused by rumors.
By law, the man's in the street contamination limit is 1 mm, and will exceed it in Fukushima for one year.
Calling it a "damage caused by rumors" and calling others in, although or is an individual's judgment the person of Fukushima living there is not that an illegal and good citizen should do.
The Japanese should be contaminated, and a life should not be protected but Toden and a country should be asked for security.
Since he suited the traffic accident, you may not necessarily eliminate others by car.
Even if the damage of a traffic accident is serious, it should ask for compensation to the last, and "wounding others, since my got damaged" is not that a good Japanese does.

Folks, Fukushima!
as for a painful thing, in order [ which plans to be known ] to carry out, to also do decontamination as soon as possible and to regain beautiful Fukushima, I also do my best.
But increasing a contamination person cannot agree.
Please stop.
You, the nuclear persons concerned, the doctor, the educational persons concerned, and government officials, -- please cooperate.
It is protecting health and protecting a statute and that it is very important.
Even if others are called in in the range of violation of laws and ordinances and it earns money, nothing becomes.
The lifetime of hot reflection only remains.

If I also appeal for such a thing, it will be blamed, but if the pain of the children who contaminate and get damaged is considered, I etc. do not have anything.
It just despises, such as those etc. who bash those who protect a statute.

Let's act together and protect our children!!

(September 28, 2012)

Kunihiko Takeda

09/28/2012 prof.武田邦彦. 中部大学. 内閣府原子力委員会. 文部科学省科学技術・学術審議会

緊急呼びかけ!! 福島市の「まるごと博」の自重を求む











福島市の皆さん! 苦しいことは分かるつもりですし、除染もできるだけ早くやって綺麗な福島を取り戻すために私も全力を挙げます。でも、被曝者を増やすことは賛成できません。





