○ The Fukushima Crisis 260 ; "Stillbirth & nosebleed" deutsch N-tv.福島危機260.死産と鼻血.

2012-05-15 12:42:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

German n-tv news
"Stillbirth, a nosebleed, and Fukushima are not converged."
The first anniversary of Fukushima passes and the antinuclear power movement houses around Stuttgart are planning at present action which opposes the convention "atom forum" of the nuclear power plant group of promoters planned at the end of May this way and that.
As only the image that Germany has hung up the flag mark of a nuclear power reactor fadeout on a state-basis has spread in Japan, the fact that the powerful nuclear power plant lobby spreads also over the German inside tends to be overlooked, but The CDU party (Christianity alliance) to which especially Merkel belongs is a political party which has originally made nuclear power plant promotion the policy strongly.
An extended decision of the nuclear power plant busy period was made in the previous year when the Fukushima accident happens, and the CDU party decision member made a speech in Congress recently also, saying "one person has not come out, either and the Fukushima accident will not come out of the dead of a cause from now on also, either" etc.
But it is although it has been scratched out by a hearer's booing in the hit "out of which it continues to come [ .. ]"... That the Merkel Administration declared the nuclear power reactor fadeout, It is a result in which German civic activists continued investigating about the danger of nuclear energy by their hand over dozens of years, performed the repetition demonstration, and have performed citizens' enlightenment and pressure to politics.
The Merkel Administration determined the reduction of the governmental subsidy to solar power recently.
Inattention does not become very much.
Now, the following reports published at news special site n-tv of Germany on March 12 were found.
About the condition of the nosebleed etc. which are already seen in Japan now, mass media of Germany thinks that it is the new report reported in detail.
Totgeburten und NasenblutenFukushima ist nicht überstanden von Solveig Bach

A nosebleed and Fukushima are not converged on stillbirth (account of Solveig Bach).
Many Japanese feel radioactivity uneasy after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster.
And there are bases of enough in it.
It is Mr. German radiological protection association president Sebastian Bufulugpille who is said that a resemblance clear between the processes of the Fukushima accident and a Chernobyl accident is seen to a n-tv group of reporters.
Contamination condition can never be overlooked.
When the radioactive contamination by the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster would be "during what year continues over a long period of time", French specialists just drew the conclusion.
This is a conclusion based on what added the official announcement of the Japanese government to the investigation which the specialist on the French radiological protection organization IRSN actually conducted there.
It is said that the early symptoms by radioactivity are already seen in the Fukushima nuclear power plant surrounding area according to Mr. German radiological protection association president Sebastian Bufulugpille who just went back from the Japanese visit.
According to him , each report made not right [ that ] is only a trick for turning away one's eyes from truth.
After many after [ a Chernobyl accident ] years pass, many indexical facts have been checked with surprise in Germany and West Europe.
For example, the increase in the malformation in the increase in stillbirth, a newborn infant's mortality rate, and a newborn infant, etc. are so.
A possibility that the rate of a sex ratio kicked to a newborn infant is changing is serious similarly.
Since especially a female embryo is weak in radiation, the number of the born girls decreases.
It is said that the number of the victims of radioactivity should become great only by taking all of such a case into consideration.

<<The gene damaged>>
Mr. radiation specialist Bernd Lamb also explained the genetic trait damage which makes radioactivity a cause to the n-tv group of reporters.
The contaminated genetic code changes without the chain of DNA changing.
According to Lamb's opinion, the probability which shows the symptoms of cancer for every sievert of the received radiation goes up by about 10%.
However, it is said that a gene deterioration risk already increases from it in few amounts of contamination.
"The peak of the increase in Down syndrome child birth in Berlin visited nine months afterward that is, exactly from the Chernobyl accident in January, 1987.
And the same phenomenon as the same time was seen even in Belorussia. "
The rise of the dose of radiation of Bufulugpille was also very moderate in Germany which separated 1000 km from "Chernobyl further.
Such a phenomenon still occurred.
It is emphasized that it is certain that the Fukushima nuclear power plant surrounding area will be the same."
However, such influence is not a thing of character which comes into eyes immediately in a town.
It says, "It will not be discovered if it does not investigate with the intention."

<<The nosebleed not stopping>>
However, Bufulugpille says that there is also body damage caused by visible radioactivity.
"It is the increase in nosebleeds which we were already able to see.
Although it may be commonly audible apparently, it was the nosebleed which I saw first also in the area which suffered the damage of Chernobyl.
Answer which has returned when it inquires whether the accident happened, since the ambulance had stopped in front of the school of Belorussia at a certain time:
" -- no, you have to wait for the ambulance here every day.
Since children's nosebleed is too severe.
There is even a child who loses consciousness with a nosebleed which hardly stops.
It said. "
According to Bufulugpille, the case of the severe nosebleed was already reported in secrecy also from Kazakhstan and the Semai city which were conducting the nuclear weapons test in the 1950s.
As a result of the specialists of a spot observing the residents of a surrounding area, severe nosebleeds occurred frequently among residents and having developed into serious angina in many cases was admitted.
Since it was too severe, even if it went to the hospital, it was a thing to the extent that an allowance is not effective.
Furthermore, the illness of a severe headache, a nerve, or a sense organ was also seen.
These are common also in Japan in Chernobyl and now.
"Therefore I cannot understand that Japanese specialists do not respond to the situation seriously."
Bufulugpille says.
Such a condition that looks harmless apparently is only a sick sign whose symptoms will only be shown in after years.
It seems that radiation damages a fine blood vessel somehow, for example.
"Then, in the case of a child, the symptoms of a nosebleed are shown.
In the worker of Chernobyl, it developed into apoplexy in after years. "

ドイツ n-tv ニュース



ドイツは、国家ぐるみで脱原発の旗印を掲げているというイメージばかりが日本では広がっているようで、ドイツ国内にも強力な原発ロビーのはびこっている事実が見落とされがちですが、特にメルケルの所属するCDU党(キリスト教同盟)は本来、強硬に原発推進を政策にして来た政党です。福島事故が起こる前年には原発稼動期間の延長決定を行っていましたし、最近もCDU党議員が連邦議会で「福島事故が原因の死者は一人も出ていないし、今後も出ないだろう」などと演説を行いました。もっとも「今後も出な..」あたりで、傍聴者のブーイングに掻き消されてしまいましたが... メルケル政権が脱原発を宣言したのは、ドイツの市民運動家達が何十年にも渡って自分達の手で核エネルギーの危険について調べ続け、繰り返しデモを行って市民の啓蒙と政治への圧力を実行してきた成果なのです。


さて、3月12日にドイツのニュース専門サイト n-tv に掲載されていた次のような記事を見つけました。現在既に日本で見られる鼻血などの症状について、ドイツのマスコミが詳細に報道した珍しい記事だと思います。


Totgeburten und NasenblutenFukushima ist nicht überstanden
von Solveig Bach


福島原発大事故後、多くの日本人は放射能を不安に感じている。そしてそれには十分根拠がある。福島事故とチェルノブイリ事故とのプロセスの間には明らかな類似が見られると n-tv 取材班に語るのは、ドイツ放射線防護協会会長セバスチアン・プフルグバイル氏である。被曝症状は決して見過ごすことのできるものではない。

福島原発事故による放射能汚染は「何年間も長期に渡って続く」だろうと、フランスの専門家達は結論を下したところである。これは、フランスの放射線防護組織 IRSNの専門家が実際に現地で行った調査に日本政府の公式発表を加えたものに基づいた結論だ。



放射線専門家ベルント・ラム氏も n-tv 取材班に放射能を原因とする遺伝形質被害について解説した。被曝をした遺伝情報は、DNAの連鎖が変化することなしに変容する。ラムの主張によれば、受けた放射線のシーベルトごとに癌を発症する確率が約10パーセント上昇する。しかし遺伝子変質リスクはそれよりもわずかな被曝量において、すでに増加すると言うのだ。



《止まらない鼻血 》









<<The information through which it calms down and intelligences is disturbed.>>
In Japan, such danger is not told to people.
People, not to mention it "It calms down completely and is spaced."
The opinion itself said the people who make radioactivity a cause are not "killed" has already lacked credibility for Bufulugpille.
However, the data for refuting this report does not exist, either.
"The sign on which all the workers that are working in the Fukushima nuclear power plant agree with duty of secrecy is carried out.
Although detailed news may sudden sometimes enter, there is no collected figure. "
Bufulugpille says that the mechanism of "a meant information disturbance" is seen there.
He did experience same also after a Chernobyl accident.
Contamination of the amount of low explained that neither the Japanese government nor the specialists in Japan had damage healthily.
It is said the development-of-symptoms rate of the cancer by the amount of contamination below a 20-mm sievert per year (refuge will be taken into consideration if this standard is exceeded) "is less than the carcinogenic factor of others, for example like smoking."
Before a nuclear power plant disaster happened, the Japanese's annual contamination permissible level was a 1-mm sievert.
Consideration of specially as opposed to high children in susceptibility [ as opposed to radiation even in this time ] is not performed at all.
the Japanese government receives radioactivity without a basis in people's anxiety over radioactivity -- "radiophobia" was named for being uneasy.
And it is said that it will not be taken illness if all people are smiling, and that only the human being who is doing Cuyo Cuyo becomes sick [ by radioactivity ].
Bufulugpille loses language in such speech and conduct.
"I did not think that such a thing was trusted by no means.
What a medical professor says like this is said.
It is all an out-and-out large lie. "
Bufulugpill says that it is a scandal that the amount of permissible levels of a 20-mm sievert per year is adopted also especially to a child.
This is equivalent to the maximum applied in Germany to the adult engaged in an occupation in the environment with radiation.
however, residents' dose of the environment where ones reside is actually what thing again -- it is not told a thing.
The example that there is a person who people still live in the polluted area, or moved from the area where a dose is low to the area where a dose is high is still reported.
The Japanese government has been letting the plan keep residents from emigrating to as much as possible pass.
However, besides closing a contaminated zone, a true alternative means does not occur to Bufulugpille.
Moreover, the further contamination is also added.

Now, mountains have seen the season of the thaw.
"The radioactive cloud stopped on the top of the mountain covered with the forest.
It serves as a smallness style after this, it flows into a river, and contamination of a river will get worse on a grand scale. " It is used also for drinking water by such a river and time, and fishing as well as before is performed.
However, Bufulugpille says that radioactivity has an effect completely different from land underwater.
It is the same also about the sea where a lot of radioactive materials descended, and high concentration contaminated water was excluded.
"It is because the underwater food chain of dangerous one is long much compared with land in contamination of water.
The radioactive material is rapidly condensed by the living body tissue through the stage of a very long chain.
That is, contamination of the fishes in the final stage of a food chain will become far higher than contamination of the water itself which they inhabit. "
For a fishery country like Japan, this is a disaster to attack.
The fishing in the Honshu East Coast whole region of a to [ from Fukushima / Tokyo ] has been paralyzed on substance.
It exists to absurd movement which is not considered of moreover recommending just consuming the product of the Fukushima district.

<<The scale of unfathomable damage>>
But such movement has geared to the eye of Bufulugpille at governmental expectation.
At present, residents were able to tell that a decontamination plan was started soon.
Topsoil is deleted and houses are cleaned by high-pressure water.
"However, the same trial was performed and a meaning was hardly made even in Chernobyl."
If surely the pollution region in Japan is compared with Chernobyle, it is small, but it is said that northeastern Fukushima has an area where a pollution degree is still severer from "the red woods" contiguous to the Chernobyl nuclear reactor used as a tradition.
Means [ Massey / Chernobyl ] are taken and there is also a chance to investigate progress of the situation scientifically.
However, "Japanese people do not understand at all that the subject which will reach in dozens of from now on is assigned to itself". About loss of a hometown, loss of a life base, and the damage on the social psychology which the continued anxiety over radioactivity brings about, it does not become the center of attention, either.
The number of suicides in Japan has increased rapidly since an earthquake disaster.
According to the government, the suicide total recorded in May, 2011 is 3375 persons.
Compared with the same moon of the previous year, it is 20% more.
Anxiety of Bufulugpille is that radioactive contamination may not stop at the present condition.
No. 4 of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima suited the halt condition at the time of an accident.
The high-concentration fuel rod was put on the pool for cooling with 1500 used things.
Even now, it is there.
However, the damage supporting this pool with serious which builds is received.
If this will collapse, a fuel rod will become unreserved, without being cooled.
The container of fuel will break, and the radioactive material which is an immense quantity of a deadly poison will emit it, and it will reach the inside of a short time at meltdown.
If it becomes so and refuge must be made to take from the area up to 250 km, the Japanese specialist has estimated.
Tokyo is also included in it.

《なだめすかす、情報をかく乱する 》

日本ではしかし国民に対してこうした危険は知らされていない。それどころか国民は ”完全になだめすかされている”。”放射能を原因とする死者は出ていない”と言う主張そのものがすでに、プフルグバイルにとっては信憑性を欠いている。ただしこの報告に反論するためのデータも存在しない。「福島原発で働いている作業員すべてが、黙秘義務に同意するサインをしている。不意に時々詳細なニュースが入って来ることもあるが、まとまった図はないのだ。」








日本のような漁業国にとって、これは追い討ちをかける惨事である。福島から東京にいたるまでの本州東海岸全域における漁業は実質上麻痺してしまった。 その上、まさに福島地方の産物を消費することを推奨するという考えられないバカげた運動まで存在するのだ。


もっともこのような運動は、プフルグバイルの目には、 政府の思惑に噛み合っている。目下、住民達は間もなく除染計画の開始されることを告げられた。表土が削除され、家々は高圧水で清掃される。



チェルノブイリよりもマシな手段を取り、事態の経過を科学的に調査するチャンスもある。しかし「日本人は、自分達が今後何十年にも及ぶ課題を課されていることをてんで理解してない。」 故郷の喪失や生活基盤の喪失、放射能に対する絶え間ない不安がもたらす社会心理上の被害については話題にもならない。震災以来、日本における自殺者の数は激増した。 政府によると、2011年5月に記録された自殺者総数は3375人。前年の同じ月に比べて20パーセント多い。



