○ The Fukushima Crisis 254 ; The magnetic S pole and N pole reverse福島危機254.磁場逆転

2012-05-11 23:12:51 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

It is said that it turned out that an accident may occur in solar periodic activity, it may go into a "hibernation state", and a mini glacial epoch (small glacial epoch) may arrive at the earth.
This is what the National Astronomical Observatory, the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, etc. announced, and says that reversal of the magnetic field that the magnetic S pole and N pole reverse is occurring at the solar North Pole.
Usually, there are no signs that an arctic magnetic field and the magnetic field in the South Pole which should be reversed simultaneously completely change.
It is said that this resembles the situation of the sun of the time when the earth cooled in the past.
Moreover, it is said that the same change as the time when the temperature of the earth fell in the past also in the situation of the sunspot is seen.
Source: Asahi Shimbun digital: The sun hibernates?
They are low-temperature term arrival or - science to an accident and the earth in a periodical activity.
MSN Sankei news: They are magnetic field reversal or "possibility of warming control" in the sun and the North Pole. -YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun): Be with chill 4 polarization or 300 years before -- by the end of a solar magnetic field and next month. : Science :
A team is a solar observation satellite "Hinode", and observes the solar North Pole and the South Pole.
Although the arctic magnetic field had many character of minus in the observation in 2008, the magnetic field of reduction and plus conversely appeared rapidly in 2011.
It will be expected in May, this year that it is completely reversed from minus to plus.
On the other hand, the antarctic magnetic field was still plus.
Although a solar magnetic field has a positive and negative pole in north-south two poles, it was reversed in a cycle of about 11 years and the next reversal was considered around 2013, when observed with the solar observation satellite "Hinode", it turned out that only the North Pole is approaching reversal early for about one year.
In case of this pace, only the North Pole will be reversed in May, 2012, and it will be said that it becomes "being structure very much four-fold". [ where another pole is made in near the solar equator ]
If only the North Pole is reversed, it will be said that the situation of the sun which brought the mini glacial epoch (small glacial epoch) to the earth is resembled from the middle of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century.
Although the cause of magnetic field reversal has not been solved, synchronizing with the change in the sunspot in a cycle of about 11 years is known.

Small glacial epoch (mini glacial epoch) ... (Wikipedia) It is the chill thing of a period which continued from the middle of the 14th century to the middle of the 19th century.
It is also called a mini glacial epoch.
An end was put by cooling of this climate by the mild time known as "a warm term of medieval times."
Although it was thought at the beginning that the small glacial epoch was a global phenomenon, it is thrown at the scale by interrogative voice now.
For example, the point estimate of the temperature of the Northern Hemisphere for the past 1,000 years does not show the clear chill term.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has described the small glacial epoch to be "a weak cold term in the Northern Hemisphere to which the temperature fall during a period stops at less than 1 ℃."
During a small glacial epoch, although the severe winter was brought about at many places in the world, it is Europe and North America that the most detailed record remains.
About the middle of the 17th century, the glacier in Swiss Alps understood the farm which expands the territory to lowlands gradually and spreads in vally, and crushed the whole village.
The village which dammed up the river and was attacked by the flood by collapse also has many glaciers.
In the Thames, or the canal and river in the Netherlands, the spectacle completely frozen during 1 winter was seen frequently.
It was possible for the New York bay to freeze in the winter of 1780, and to have walked to Staten Island and to have crossed to it from Manhattan.
In Iceland, sea ice enclosed the island over many miles, the port was blocked over the long period of time, and a blow was dealt to a fishing or trade.
Little Ice Age (small glacial epoch)
Related article:
According to announcement (German research institute) English place paper [ "the earth rushed in at the mini glacial epoch" ] "Daily Mail." The German Kiel university Leibniz research institute which is an important member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is referred to as having announced the "earth mini glacial epoch theory" by analysis of the water temperature natural circulation of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
Fear of the observation and the change to global environment by the magnetic field reversal in which the earth is exceptional in a cooling ? solar North Pole region (with solar observation satellite "Hinode")
It succeeded in the solar observation satellite "Hinode" of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency observing signs that a magnetic field began to be reversed in the solar North Pole region.
These days with the admiration which what will be unusual and we will not understand [ normal ] what anymore for whether one intense heat after another which has not yet been experienced once will be experienced (U.S. NASA) from now on if abnormal weather continues so far, and has been accustomed to abnormal weather but, It is still a mere overture and says that the abnormal weather upgraded further may attack the earth from now on.
April 20, 2012 (Fri.) JAXA. The magnetic field of the National Astronomical Observatory . sun, reversal!
Reversal of the magnetic field has taken place in the sun.
It seems that the phenomenon itself is not a new thing and it has occurred at the fixed interval.
Say that new one has taken place only in the North Pole.
It seems that usually, it is a thing that a sign of reversal is not seen for the moment in the South Pole, and both the North Pole and the South Pole turn into the N pole as used in the field of magnetically although the North Pole and the South Pole will seemingly be simultaneously reversed.
This became clear by observation of the solar observation satellite "Hinode."
"That of ひ" was launched by JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), the National Astronomical Observatory, etc. in September, 2006.
As for the carried visible light and the magnetic field telescope, observation can do structure of a solar magnetic field in detail.
In 2007, the S pole and the South Pole are the N pole, and the North Pole expected in the researcher that the magnetic field of a two-poles region was simultaneously reversed at the maximum term (the middle of 2013) of a solar activity.
However, in the observation result in 2012, the reversal to the N pole from the S pole was advancing only the North Pole region.
Then, where on earth did the S pole go?
It is a thing that it seems that it has the structure where the S pole is made in near the solar center, in the observation in January, 2012.
That is, it can be assumed that it has structure (four-fold very) with which two bar magnets were connected.
It is if it will become clear by intensive observation of the North Pole region by "Hinode" which is planned around October, 2012 whether the polarity of the North Pole region is completely reversed to the N pole.
This phenomenon, the Mounder's minimum (1645 to 1715), etc. are referred to as resembling the time of the situation where the chill term was brought to the earth.
Is it ... which may rush in again at the minimum term of the sun which makes the earth cool?
JAXA National Astronomical Observatory.

According to the historical fact, the Mounder's minimum is called interglacial epoch from the start of the Edo period in Japan -- the 8th generation general Yoshimune Tokugawa Kyoho era one-year -- it continued to around 1745, was the same as that of the Thames in London, and was a cold time.
Sumida River froze over from the end of November to the head in February.
At this time [ Edo period ], since it was not able to go by complete freezing by ship when townspeople go to Yoshihara's licensed pleasure quarter from Shinagawa, for example, the horse performed land.
The horse was a taxi of the Edo period.
The word "crossing" is as the vestiges.
A crossing is a change place of a horse at the place which a way concentrates.
Like Fudanotuji crossing.
By the way, in order for the water and the river through which it is flowing to freeze, about 7 below the freezing point times is required also of daytime.
It was a quite cold time.





Source:朝日新聞デジタル:太陽が冬眠? 周期的活動に異変、地球に低温期到来か - 科学
MSN産経ニュース:太陽、北極で磁場反転か 「温暖化抑制の可能性」 -
YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞):太陽磁場、来月に4極化か…300年前は寒冷に : 科学 :






 Little Ice Age(小氷期)




2012年4月20日 (金) JAXA. 国立天文台.

もしかすると,地球を寒冷化させる太陽の極小期にふたたび突入する可能性もある・・・ということなのでしょうか? JAXA 国立天文台

史実によりますと、マウンダー極小期は、日本では江戸時代の始めから、間氷期と言われ、8代将軍 徳川吉宗 享保1年~1745年あたりまで続き、ロンドンのテムズ川と同様で、寒い時代だった。隅田川が11月下旬から2月あたままで結氷した。江戸時代のこの時、例えば町人が品川から吉原の遊郭に行くとき全面結氷で船で行けないため陸上を馬で行った。馬は江戸時代のタクシーであった。その名残りとして辻という言葉がのこっている。辻は道が集中する場所で馬の乗り換え場所だ。札の辻みたいに。

