◯ "2nd Cuban Crisis?" / 南シナ海をめぐる米中確執の行方<キューバ危機の再来はあるか>

2015-11-12 15:20:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




2015-11-12 15:20:50 Platnews. Blogos
November 11, 2015 17:47
The future of the China-U.S. feud going around the South China Sea< is there second advent of the Cuban Crisis?> - Yanagisawa kyouni



Night October 26 and 12 nautical miles and within by which Aegis destroyer Lassen of a navy in the US is the artificial island China reclaimed at the Spratly Islands were sailed, this is called a free strategy of sailing, and that U.S. forces is planning to be continuing also possessing as counter-measure to a declared country with future for several weeks by the once's pace one-sidedly. China rebels against this intensely, but a physical reaction isn't indicated up to now only by blame by a word.

In the part of USA, in Japan, like, there is an opinion ask for behavior. There is an opinion which should also fall into step with USA and check China in Japan. But that's rash moudou. The purpose which is clear when armed forces is changed once, and a definition of "victory", besides,have to regard as when to bring where to expand to an end whether the perspective is here.

USA which doesn't participate in a specific possession right problem

First It'll consider the purpose. The American purpose isn't always clear actually. Us navy press attache says "something to show that there is freedom of sailing by sailing the area of sea without preliminary notice to the country where too much insistence is done by a possession right". But it isn't clear that it's denied that these insistence is Chinese territorial waters or that saying that there is freedom of sailing by the innocent passage right by which even territorial waters were given to a warship.
Lassen is also sailing within 12 nautical miles in the island and the reef Taiwan and Vietnam rule as well as the Chinese artificial island in this "strategy". The posture of USA which doesn't participate in a specific possession right problem from here can be understood.

Or did military intimidation have itself for its object? It is issued a warning and also took up this problem by the meeting with shuu Chinahira at the end of September repeatedly to Chinese one-sided behavior, but a OBAMA government couldn't change the obstinate attitude of the Chinese side. Even if there is expectation which can use up a partner at the place by the negotiations by military intimidation now, it isn't strange.



When thinking whether sailing of this warship was intimidation, Aegis destroyer is the ship which could excel own protection ability, but striking power to an enemy is not. Therefore Aegis destroyer, that 1 ship is close, it itself is a too gentle method as military intimidation. When this strategy continued and a Chinese side got into the action which becomes threatening in the case and also the American vessel concerned which have gone out to correspondence like route interference, USA may dispatch more than one war vessels for reason of the protection of an own country war vessel. When it's so, the tension would heighten quickly. But for the moment, both don't display skill of such expansion. Where is an American lowest line in negotiations in this case?



How does USA deal to militarization?

One confront most in the summit at the end of September was militarization in a reclaimed artificial island. Carter Secretary of Defense pressed to respect freedom of sailing and not to militarize the South China Sea "" at the meeting with the usual thoroughgoing defense minister on November 3, too. In other words, the one USA is purchasing will be that military aren't deployed to an island, not reclaimed demolition of "island". In other words, finding the intention-lessness, not intention.

When having the intention-lessness of the partner for the object, it's difficult to look for an outcome of negotiations. When it's said that they don't militarize a specific island, the target is easy to understand for itself, but deployment of military is because the counter-measure when military were deployed, has to make the state that don't have that continue and has to be clear.
The clearest correspondence measures to deployment of military are to destroy military facilities in the island. When intimidating to there, or the case that the island is put back during radius of movement of a fighter-bomber needs deployment of an aerial unit to a base of Philippines and Vietnam. On the other hand, when those countries consider in a relation with China and are hesitated about an acceptance of an American blow unit, I need dispatch of an aircraft carrier task-force. China would try to rally anti-battleship ballistic missile and obstruct behavior of U.S. forces including a submarine. Second advent of the Cuban Crisis.
It'll be a problem whether USA has the will done to there. The Cuban Crisis in 1962 was a crisis of the literal life or death whether a nuclear missile of the Soviet was deployed by an American throat. Kennedy government drew out a concession of the Soviet by putting the whole army in the war preparation and determining on a war.



On the other hand, USA is the sailing freedom practiced as a leader of the world for something tried this time, and the life or death of USA isn't itself. But, the Chinese ballistic missile atomic submarine which will be based in the South China Sea in the future can be a threat to USA, but China doesn't have a missile with the submarine which reaches USA from the South China Sea up to now.
The persistent and sensible opinion by which we assume that a war with China should also be evaded in USA exists. It's certain that the current state which permits a Russian kitchen by Ukraine for an advancing OBAMA government and also permits a kitchen in China during the situation that even war on terrorism isn't in prospect would like to avoid lame Duck-ization already. Lame Duck-ization is an advancing government, but therefore it can't help be considered in a domestic firm opinion, but also it's increasingly difficult for a decisive war to rally the people.


 What is "the non-militarization of the Spratly Islands" that both U.S. and China can accept?

There is room where an American footing is seen for China. But if to make them scold a OBAMA president any more, there is fear which doesn't know where to expand. So he'd negotiate for both under the surface of the water, but by what kind of shape "intention-less guarantee" is achieved falls, and Both cannot see a solution. Therefore prolongation of a free strategy of sailing is expected, but at the same time, both risk management by trust causing of an army is advanced. A China-U.S. navy is conducting common practice in the Atlantic in the Florida offing on November 7.

The only help is the case that China-U.S. life and death-like national interests are asymmetric. American that's freedom of sailing, and Chinese that's said to be desperate defence of a possession right in the limit expressed politically, so U.S don't obstruct freedom of sailing and stand as the premise to which possession isn't transferred, and there is a possibility that some compromise is planned for. The key word is said to be "militarization". China and U.S., both, what "Island's acceptable demilitarization" is, strategy starts.
When drawing such view, however far-out whether the assertion to say that Japan which touched the beginning should also take out Japan Self-Defense Forces.As Japan, changing the offense and defense place depending on U.S. and China and where to practice and have any influence on the freedom of the navigation of the Chinese navy around Senkaku, the non-militarization around Senkaku by our country or should worry about that place.


Yanagisawa kyouni 

Graduated from the University of Tokyo department of law. It goes into the Defense Agency and a practical use head and a defense director of laboratory are passed, and, from 2004 to 2009, cabinet secretariat vice president kanho (security and risk management charge). 


 〓レームダック【lame duck】



英語:lame duck



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2015/11/02 04:16 UTC 版)

レームダックlame duck[† 1])とは、「役立たず」「死に体」の政治家を指す政治用語。レイムダックとも表記される。選挙後まだ任期の残っている落選議員大統領揶揄的に指すのに用いられる。転じて、米国では「役立たず」などと特定の人物を揶揄する慣用表現としても用いられている。

2015-11-12 15:20:50 Platnews Blogos

南シナ海をめぐる米中確執の行方<キューバ危機の再来はあるか> - 柳澤協二






















東京大学法学部卒。防衛庁に入庁し、運用局長、防衛研究所長などをへて、2004年から2009年まで内閣官房副長官補(安全保障・危機管理担当)。現在、国際地政学研究所理事長。主な著書に、『自衛隊の転機―政治と軍事の矛盾を問う』 (NHK出版新書 470) 、『亡国の安保政策――安倍政権と「積極的平和主義」の罠 』(岩波書店)など。




