○ The Fukushima Crisis 238; Sibuya,Kasumigaseki High Contami'd 福島危機238.渋谷.霞が関.高汚染.

2012-04-14 00:03:33 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


About an internal exposure.

The soil sampling test result of the newest Tokyo that Mr. GanderSeng performed
About the result to which Mr. GanderSeng carried out the sampling inspection of five metropolitan areas
until now, probably, for the Japanese, the nuclear specialist and Mr. Ernie GanderSeng who can trust it most visited Japan in February, this year, and they held a press conference which served as the exhibition of the first nuclear power plant [ of its-new-work Fukushima ] truth, and a view (Shueisha pocketbook) in Nippon Kisha Club of inner Saiwai-cho from now on.

As for the Japanese nuclear power plant regulatory agency(Hoanin), although the Takashi Hirose x GanderSeng talk was also realized and it was then taken up by the weekly magazine, it was only slight that indifference and mass media also took this up as usual.
Mr. GanderSeng extracted the sample of soil from five in the chip box of a visit to Japan, and Tokyo, and he had sent to the research institute in the United States.
In the United States, high concentration contamination was carried out, so that it was dealt with as radioactive waste, and those soil samples had to be transported to the disposal plant in Texas from the research institute for the final disposal.
This is the actual condition of the radioactive contamination of this capital and Tokyo.
This animation mixes an image when Mr. GanderSeng participates in the lecture meeting on the occasion of the regulation information meeting of the U.S. and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held in Washington, D.C. over March 13 to 15 days, and is edited.
Chair Yatsko who speaks over March 13 to 15 days in the U.S. and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held in Washington, D.C.
The following extracts the portion of Tokyo by Mr. Gander Seng in this animation soil sampling test result reporting.
The soil sample extracted in Tokyo is a thing of the level dealt with as nuclear waste in the United States.
Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US
It will be ↓ if it sees by youtube.
Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US

They are the whole contents.
: (Mr. GanderSeng)
Several weeks ago, Ernie GanderSeng of Fairewinds performed sample extraction of the ground in the public children's park in Tokyo, the rooftop garden of the building, etc., while traveling Japan.
If these are found in this United States, they will be made into radioactive waste.
However, contamination of this level is discovered across Japan.
Over March 13 to 15 days, at the regulation information meeting of the U.S. and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held in Washington, D.C. the chairperson of NRC and Dr. Gregory Yatsko, NRC and the nuclear power industry which have given permission once to the nuclear power plant expressed that it had concern strongly about for the moment taking into consideration about neither the cost of people's mass evacuation, nor the radioactive contamination in cost-effectiveness analysis.
It is considered that it will become impossible for the cost which withdraws Fairewinds from near the nuclear power plant in the United States (when a nuclear power plant disaster happens) to go over it and reside in numbers of generations once it exceeds 1 trillion dollars and soil is polluted.
It is [making the following into the character from 01:45 of the animation].

Ernie GanderSeng:
I was in Tokyo several weeks ago.
Then, although I took the sample of the ground, especially the highest place of radiation was not necessarily looked for.
I had five plastic bags for soil extraction, I walked with here and there, and the surroundings dipped up mud at each place, and I put into the plastic bag.
One is taken from the crack of a sidewalk.
(Capture picture) ↓
One [ another ] was taken from the children's park decontaminated before.
(Capture picture) ↓
Moreover, another extracts wayside moss.
(Capture picture) ↓
Furthermore, it takes from the roof of the office building in which I was present.
(Capture picture) ↓
The last is extracted from the place of the side opposite to across the road of the place in which the buildings of the judicial relation in the downtown in Tokyo(it's Tokyo District Court, Kasumigaseki. it' vicinity of 300 meters north from Imperial Hotel)have gathered.
(Capture picture) ↓
After I brought those soil samples home and notified the customs duty, I sent to the research institute (United States).
Since all those samples were dealt with as radioactive waste in this United States, that research institute decided to send to Texas, in order to process this.
Please consider that in Tokyo and consider the state of that and the intricately complicated capital in the United States.
I would like whether to go to gather a flower and to attach a knee in radioactive waste.
Now, it is the actual thing which has happened in Tokyo.
I regard just it as whether probably it is the point which Chair Yatsko pointed out.
When NRC conducts cost-effectiveness analysis, the social cost is not put into calculation for numbers of generations about it being obliged to refuge or probably people of a 100,000 people unit being made to transfer forever.
It is separated hundreds of miles of between us who are present in here Washington, D.C., and many of nuclear power plants.
No less than about 200 miles of Fukushima are separated from Tokyo.
Nevertheless, when I am in Tokyo, the soil taken from the place which he was not necessarily conscious of in particular, and was found by chance is treated as radioactive waste here in the United States.
Supposing the capital of our country is hit by comparable contamination, what do you think?
Therefore, whether when an accident occurs once, what happens in a new nuclear power plant and the old nuclear power plant which is receiving reconfirmation C, and when analyzing, it consents to the idea of Chair Yatsko that required cost should be taken into consideration, as that we have got up in Tokyo or whole Japan is teaching.
(that's all)


・渋谷地区               11,260Bq/kg
・霞が関の地裁。(日比谷公園の隣り)   1,556 Bq/kg



今までも、おそらくこれからも、日本人にとって、もっとも信頼できる原子力専門家、アーニー・ガンダーセン氏が今年の2月に来日して、内幸町の日本記者クラブで新著福島第一原発 ―真相と展望 (集英社新書)の発表会を兼ねた記者会見を行いました。








Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US

Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US














最後は、東京のダウンタウンにある司法関係の建物が集っている場所の道路を挟んで反対側の場所から採取したものです。(キャプチャー画像)↓(帝国ホテルから日比谷公園を挟んでの東京地裁の vicinity です)











(that's all)

This is a result of five soil sampling inspections which come out the 02:47 neighborhood of an animation.
An extraction place in the city of Tokyo is - Shibuya area.
- kamakura (it seems to be a children's park and a wooden hollow)
- The children's park of Chiyoda-ku
- The building roof in Chiyoda
- Hibiya Park
They are five.
The bottom is what expanded the result.

Furthermore, what was expanded is the bottom.
pCi/g It is the quantity of the radioactivity contained in the soil 1g.
By a becquerel conversion type
It is as follows, if the cesium 134 and cesium 137 are totaled (Co60 is disregarded here) and it changes to 1 kg of soil, since 1 Bq is set to = 2.703E?11Ci = 27.0E12Ci = 27.0pCi.
- Shibuya area
11,260 Bq/kg-kamakura.
Children's park of 1,333Bq/kg and Chiyoda-ku 2,111Bq/kg
- The building roof of Chiyoda-ku 3,481Bq/kg and Hibiya Park 1,556 Bq/kg
Since the highest value in Tokyo is not less than 20,000Bq/kg of Mizumoto Park of Katsushika-ku, the value of 11,260Bq/kg of the Shibuya area is a quite dangerous level.
Probably, more than this and a high spot are hidden by various places of not only Tokyo but a local city since especially Mr. Gander Seng says that chose the place where a dose seems to be high and he did not necessarily sample it.
Tokyo is intricately complex at the place where a building, an alley, etc. are narrow.
There is a thin passage along which a wind does not pass here and there, or if it rains, it will be decided and a puddle will be made, or there are many complicated and mysterious places.
Such a place is "a dead angle of radioactivity" also for the citizen who has a Geiger counter and is measuring the neighborhood.
the case where it is the super-micro hot spot by which high concentration contamination was carried out more than imagination -- danger -- probably, it will be supreme.
It seems that however, the fact of a dose of several places of Tokyo Station is quite high.
If this is Ueno Station called "northeastern vestibule leading to the outside", how is it?
It seems that moreover, a super-micro hot spot which exceeds 10,000 Bq is hidden anywhere in in the center of Tokyo.
Like yesterday, when a strong wind blows violently, it needs to be truly careful of expiration contamination.
Although it cannot but judge from geographical feature, the form of a building, etc., it is sure that "the bad place of drainage" says that it is dangerous in urban intricately complicated shopping quarter like especially Tokyo to be able to say at least.
The place (11,260Bq/kg spot) which Mr. GanderSeng sampled in Shibuya is a place through which grass is planted and water does not flow.
It is a place whose moisture is not lost besides sinking into the ground over many hours, or evaporating.
I hear that in this case, it is being rapidly condensed steadily with lapse of the time.
For example, the following places of a bridge will be that the radioactive material flowed in the road for one year whenever it rained several times under a building under a roof.
However, in the seasons when it rains intensively, such as the rainy season and a season of a typhoon, the radioactive material hidden without being passed yet may flow out.
It will be that the snowdrift near it, a flower bed, etc. are condensed.
And if a season comes like summer so that soil may dry to Caracalla, dust is likely to soar from there and it is likely to become a source of new radioactive particles.
The sample of the soil which Mr. Gander Seng extracted in Tokyo was sent to the nuclear waste disposal plant in Texas, and was processed.
Even if a dose with a Tokyoite high from the puddle under the launching platform of the bottom of a drainspout and a children's park, the crevice between the cracks of a carport, and other various places is discovered, decontamination of such a super-mini micro spot, etc. do not do a public office one by one.
Then, there is also no place into which it is thrown away in comfort by itself in the place which took the dangerous ground or shaved off moss by which radioactivity is condensed.
Will you become silent and will throw away into the dry river bed in Tama River?
If a child plays there, he will be contaminated.
Such a thing is not made.
Tokyo cannot be said to be a civilization city at such a point.
Depending on a place, the way of an Amazon's jungle may be safety.
The present Noda government is an outlaw regime in which morals collapsed completely.
Probably, advanced nations did not have such the government in recent years.
although it will not become if it comes to change into the honest government by our power -- till then -- such a super-micro hot spot -- let sleeping dogs lie -- it comes out and goes -- it does not spread.
It is necessary to notice anyhow the flower bed the spot that a back alley from now on and the bad place of drainage and locally strong wind blowing along a street of very tall buildings whirl around, and near the exhaust port, etc. about "snowdrift."
It seems that the place condensed so that may be different somehow is increasingly condensed although it considered that such a place also blew away by a wind soon.
It is [ present us / for ] important to read geographical feature above all.
A handkerchief closes a mouth, and I would like to be quick and to do a thing to the extent that it goes past , when sensing saying "This snowdrift is doubtful."


・kamakura (児童公園、木のくぼみのようです)



pCi/g とは、土壌1g中に含まれる放射能の量のことです。

1Bq = 2.703E-11Ci = 27.0E-12Ci = 27.0pCi

・渋谷地区             11,260Bq/kg
・kamakura                 1,333Bq/kg
・千代田区の児童公園      2,111Bq/kg
・千代田区のビル屋上      3,481Bq/kg
・東京地裁.日比谷公園      1,556 Bq/kg

























