◯ Are Japan and China Close to War by Senkaku debate?尖閣論争で日中は戦争すれすれ?

2016-01-13 04:55:23 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-01-13 04:55:23 sputniknews

Are Japan and China Close to War by Senkaku debate?尖閣論争で日中は戦争すれすれ?

© AP Photo/ Emily Wang

On January 12, 2016 19:59( update January 12, 2016 20:01.
Andrei Ivanov

When a Chinese warship invaded Nakatani Secretary of State for Defence in a guard water area around Senkaku-shoto (fishing chain of islands), Japan suggested a possibility that a warship is dispatched. This is clogged and is it said that Japan is the stance which causes a war with China because of Senkaku? I'd like to introduce an opinion of Andrei of Moscow university of international relations and Ivanov advanced boffin about this question.

"From a point of view as a law, if it'll be a domestic law if that will be international law, I completely have the Japanese establishment for which a warship is used and see as one which is all natural and meets a law to protect an own country territory. Because every kind of country should be stood this. When the foreign ship which poaches at a Russian water area doesn't submit to the border guards in an own country, for example on the other hand Russia permits to fire a gun. When a warship of an other country invaded a Russian marine boundary line, it can't be doubted that a warship of a Russian fleet is dispatched this is captured and to drive out of a Russian water area. A

Japanese defense budget in fiscal year 2016 To the record level, c

REUTERS/ THOMAS A Japanese defense budget in PETER fiscal year
2016 That it can expand to military collision does such
circumstances in an instant to the recording level, and is obvious. Everything depends on how both make them do restraint. A Chinese warship invades a Japanese water area so far in Japan about Senkaku, and even the time when a Chinese patrol machine invaded territorial airspace has shown such will power. By the way in 2012, Japan is the later when islands were bought from
the Japanese private citizen who are land owners and leaseholders for a protest movement's going around Senkaku being intensified in China. That China stirs this, catch. TA. Such as argument going around Senkaku got intensified, and most high-level contact was suspended by Japan-China relations at 1:00, an only way of deterioration was followed. It's obvious to like such situation neither in Japan where I'm the biggest trade financial partner nor in China each other. When a daytime soul met in

the international field where a lot of countries are collected in 2015, a sign of the kind in the relation improvement of both countries was admitted.

Japanese national flag and Chinese national flag
Japan prepares for defense during a pair.
Indeed though that's right and legitimate completely, this statement of Nakatani Secretary of State for Defence is calling several misunderstanding for this. If China is interested in related normalization with Japan, it shouldn't be planned to start action which alienates such relation around Senkaku. But when changing the point of view, China is going to show the place where the profit of the own country is protected with firm determination off recently. For example it's also the example that military facilities are being constructed around the conflict islands in the South China Sea. The thing by which an other country is China in China, I'm weak-minded, decisively, if, I'm afraid that it may be suspected not to be possible to indicate the posture I have. Therefore that I'm going to wish for statement of Nakatani Secretary of State for Defence, it'll be something to which the opposite effect can be given. The one Nakatani defense look wanted dispatches a warship to Senkaku defense, decisively, if, it was to show a done decision and was to suppress so that a thoughtless act isn't taken for China around these islands. I wouldn't also wish China to show off military muscle to only the purpose by which the place where I'm not surprised at minister's Japanese plan is shown off around Senkaku again. The atmosphere of the Japan-China relations statement of Nakatani Secretary of State for Defence which is also interpreted as a threat has begun to show a sign of improvement to which finally even if China will have consideration of the purpose which doesn't do this, it's spoiled, it can be done.

Prime Minister Abe
There are no reasons that Russian specialists come over Abe cabinet support rate rise and are enough.
I have to settle a so complicated problem on Nikuni relation professionally like territorial problem. In other words, diplomats should work on this. For example when the outside man such as the military and a journalist intervenes in this process, this is just to make grope of compromise be complicated. If it's one which isn't needed, anyway it would be possible to overlook normal state of mind and peace in the military and a journalist. That military personnel and the mass communication person concerned may lose their job when a sensation and a war disappear, it isn't also an exception to be uneasy. But there are neither the military nor mass communication at all by the reason in which I have the right to decide destiny of the human society which accomplishes most of a whole body of mankind, not a reason.".

2016-01-13 04:55:23 sputniknews


© AP Photo/ Emily Wang

2016年01月12日 19:59(アップデート 2016年01月12日 20:01
アンドレイ イワノフ
中谷防衛大臣は、尖閣諸島(釣魚列島)付近の警備水域に中国の軍艦が侵犯した場合、日本は軍艦を派遣する可能性を示唆した。これはつまり、日本は尖閣が原因で中国と戦争を起こす構えだということなのだろうか? この問いについて、モスクワ国際関係大学のアンドレイ・イワノフ上級研究員の意見をご紹介したい。


2016年度の日本の防衛費 記録的なレベルへ
2016年度の日本の防衛費 記録的なレベルへ



日中関係, 領土問題, 中国, 日本


