◯the Fukushima Crisis786;Contami.of Tokyo is Dreadful 東京の汚染はやはりすごい これじゃ住めない

2014-05-08 07:14:43 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/08/2014 inventsolitude.sblo.jp
Contamination of Tokyo is dreadful level too. 05/01/2014 which cannot live now
Category: Contamination of Tokyo
In more than 0.57 microsievert/h (5 millisieverts per year), it is equivalent to a "control area for radiation" in Japan.
Incidentally, around Chiba, Tochigi, Miyagi, and Ibaraki is such a numerical value generally.
Contamination of Tokyo is dreadful level too. Now, it cannot live. Being [ about the same place as a control area for radiation ]-all over the districts reference drawing
The air dose rate average value and the maximum according to cities, wards, towns, and villages which less than 0.20micro of air dose rate Sv/h that was not displayed on the last map calculated including all the measured value also including the thing of more than 0.37microSv/h.

Bottom radioactive contamination average value of 23 wards of Tokyo and area ofTokyo city.
Unit: Microsievert /hrs

The radioactive contamination maximum under 23 wards of Tokyo, and area of Tokyo city.
Unit: Microsievert /hrs

The air dose rate of the area through which Plume's mainstream passed in 2011/3 / the 15 mornings is low in the upper figure compared with other areas, and it turns out that the initial contamination by air intake was the big cause of health impairment.

05/08/2014 inventsolitude.sblo.jp

東京の汚染はやはりすごい これじゃ住めない 05/01/2014


東京の汚染はやはりすごい これじゃ住めない 全域で放射線管理区域並みの場所があるの参考図




