◯ "Japan bashing" 危険なケリー国務長官の中国、韓国訪問

2014-02-08 13:58:44 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/08/2014 Nevadablog.
"Japan bashing"
Dangerous Secretary of State Kelly's , visit to China n South Korean
Although Foreign Minister Kishida has visited the U.S. from yesterday, as for this, Secretary of State Kelly visits South Korea and China, and so to speak, it is [ whose Japan is ] like the production of alibi a meaningless visit to the U.S. to not visiting Japan as "there is no time."
By Vice-President Biden's telephoning Prime Minister Abe on December 12, last year in the United States, in spite of having urged prudence that it is prudent to the visit to Yasukuni Shrine, the Prime Minister worshipped at Yasukuni Jinja on December 26 -- the United States side was enraged at the sake -- Secretary of State Kelly will not visit Japan to a sake this time -- perfect -- They are "Japan bashing and Japan bashing."
Although it seems that Secretary of State Kelly should visit South Korea and China with President Obama's message, it confers with the executives of the country, and separate consultation is to be performed about the situation involving Japan, attentions have gathered what kind of how many talks it has to whom.
Although President Obama's foreign policy has strayed, a policy was not consistent and confusion is caused on Egypt, the Ukraine, Syria, and the Iran problem, The correspondence involving Japan is also unsteady, by what kind of correspondence is carried out by Secretary of State Kelly's China, and the visit to South Korean, the bottom of a U.S. belly is known and China can supply military power now to Senkaku dignifiedly.
If the United States can judge that Japan is not protected, the unit ( [ Called 31 units. ]) said to prepare China for the Senkaku invasion should be supplied.
Secretary of State Kelly's China and the visit to South Korean eventually make China make the last judgment of the Senkaku problem.
-- dangerous Secretary of State Kelly's China, and visit to South Korean.. and dangerous Prime Minister Abe.

02/08/2014 Nevadablog.

"Japan bashing"



アメリカは昨年12月12日にバイデン副大統領が安倍総理に電話をして靖国参拝は慎重にと自重を促したにもかかわらず、12月26日に総理が靖国神社に参拝したために、アメリカ側が激怒したために、今回ケリー国務長官は訪日しないことになり、完全に "Japan bashing、日本叩き" となっているのです。





✴︎危険なケリー国務長官の中国、韓国訪問 と危険な安倍首相。

