


2024-09-27 19:23:42 | ChatGPT
Which of the following sentences is most appropriate from the viewpoints of grammar, usage, convention, and so on?
1. The device has a first, a second, and a third lens.
2. The device has first, second, and third lenses.
3. The device has a first, a second, and a third lenses.
4. The device has a first, second, and third lens.
5. The device has a first, second, and third lenses.

The most appropriate sentence is:

1. The device has a first, a second, and a third lens.


  • Sentence 1 is grammatically correct because it maintains parallel structure and uses the singular form "lens" appropriately for each item. Each lens is counted and introduced individually ("a first," "a second," "a third"), which fits with the singular noun "lens."

Why the other sentences are less appropriate:

  • Sentence 2: "First, second, and third lenses" lacks articles and specificity, which can make the sentence feel less clear, especially if you're identifying each lens individually.
  • Sentence 3: "A first, a second, and a third lenses" is incorrect because "lenses" is plural, but the structure introduces them as singular items.
  • Sentence 4: "A first, second, and third lens" omits the articles "a" before "second" and "third," which disrupts parallelism.
  • Sentence 5: Similar to sentence 3, "a first, second, and third lenses" is incorrect because "lenses" is plural, but the articles suggest singular items.
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