


2024-09-08 16:36:43 | ChatGPT
Translate: ユーザの操作により、複数のジョブから1つのジョブが選択される。

A job is selected from multiple jobs based on the user's action.

Which of the following is better?
1. A job is selected from multiple jobs by the user's operation.
2. A job is selected from multiple jobs by an operation by the user.
3. A job is selected from multiple jobs by an operation of the user.
3(*間違い). A job is selected from multiple jobs through user operation.
4. A job is selected from multiple jobs through operation by the user.
5. A job is selected from multiple jobs through an operation by the user.

The best option is:

3. A job is selected from multiple jobs through user operation.

This option is concise and clear, avoiding unnecessary repetition or awkward phrasing. It clearly communicates that the user is the one performing the operation.

Which is better among the following?
1. A job is selected from multiple jobs by the user's operation.
2. A job is selected from multiple jobs by an operation by the user.
3. A job is selected from multiple jobs by an operation of the user.

The best option among the three is:

1. A job is selected from multiple jobs by the user's operation.

This option is more natural and direct compared to the other two. The phrase "the user's operation" clearly indicates that the user is the one performing the action, while avoiding redundancy like "an operation by the user" in option 2. Option 3, "an operation of the user," sounds a bit awkward in English.

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