


dysfunctional city in rain

2011年09月08日 | haïti

Sudden heavy rain in the evening.

When it rains heavily, this country loses control even more.

Chaos. Even more than usual.


Took 2.5 hours to go home. Usually 45 min.

Cars, motorbikes, and pedestrians come from every direction.

People are walking soaking wet. 

With shoes in their hands, they are walking through flooded streets up to their shins.  

Traffic is usually caused by not only a huge flow of cars carrying full of people, but also car accidents and broken cars in the middle of streets.

In the car, moving 1m a minute, we talk about what we would like to eat, if you were at home now.

I said,

Wine, cheese, saucisson.


Finally arrived home. But..


No electricity.

Even no water.

And the flat is flooded!

A window was open.


I called a security guy downstairs.

He put the generator on, saying only for 2 hours from now.

"Do your thing quickly within 2 hours and go to bed."

Yes sir. I will.  


I am taking a beer and going to bed...


This is exactly when I feel like giving up on this country!


Operation Tomodachi

2011年09月04日 | haïti

Met a sports journalist who came to Haiti to cover the world-cup qualifier against US Virgin Island for BBC.

Haiti won, by the way. 6-0!

Apparently it was totally expected.

"But it was great. Haitians needed this. To be proud."

Yes, power of sports. One and only.

Heated-up conversation over a couple of rhum sour's.


He asks.

"So why aren't you using your swimming skills and experiences to make people happy?"

"Why aren't you writing if you like writing so much?"


Hmm. Why?

Maybe because I want children to be educated more than for them to be able to swim.

I haven't found a pool or a swim club.


But that's right. I've always done it.

Always taught children and adults who wish to swim in all the countries I lived.

Why not here?


I have been so intimidated by theft, kidnapping, agression and selfish attitudes, and I haven't opened my heart.

I need to be closer to the Haitians.


Need to find a solution.

Which could be swimming.

My secret weapon.

A Dream House

2011年09月02日 | haïti


Found a dream house today!!!

It's like, you'll forget that you are living in Haiti.

You may think it is Scotland.


A petit tea estate in Sri Lanka. Or something.


It has a huuuuuge garden. From the entrance, it is like going into a botanical garden, if not a castle.

The house has two big bedrooms (furnished), a cute kitchen, a nice and big living and diving space, and a cute terrace, overlooking the garden, that you would want to spend every morning, evening and week-end. Fun times, sad times, quiet times.


The problem, umm, is the price.

Over my budget.

It'll be absolutely ridiculous to spend that much money.


But I will have a peace in mind ALL THE TIME.

Every hectic day, when you come home, you will be at peace.



Should I go for it?


Homeless in Haiti

2011年09月01日 | haïti

I am such a laid-back person that I sometimes forget that the other person(s) might not feel as comfortable as I am feeling.

Two months have passed since I moved into my Italian colleague's house - in fact it was just about a month that we lived together if we take out the times one of us was away.

I might have forgotten that it was a temporary solution - we were getting along so well together.

We'd just go home together, cook together, have drinks and a good laugh.

Watch my Sex and the City DVDs in our separate computers and our life has become like the Sex and the City (well, in Port-au-Prince).

But now the time came to get out of her house as her sister was coming to visit tomorrow.

It was about time.


I started seriously searching for a house but it is not easy.

First of all I don't want to use the agents any more because they charge such high fees (normally half the monthly rent).

Therefore it limits the options - it has to come from words of month.

In an environment where thousands of UN people work together, why is it so hard to find connections, who is leaving and who is looking for houses???

Why doesn't someone create a website or something where we can post?


Secondly houses here in Port-au-Prince are so freakin' expensive.

A cheaper side would be 1,000 USD per room.

Many pay more.

Quality wise - it is average.

Lucky if you had a good and strong hot shower.

But it might have aweful furniture, which is often the case.


My first house cost USD 3000 and I was sharing with two other people.

The second house was USD 5000 (with a gorgeous swimming pool) and I was sharing with three others.

Now the Italian girl's house was USD 2,000 for two bedrooms.

In one of the poorest countries on the earch, what the heck is this paradox?


Another difficulty is that I might want to live alone.

I haven't lived alone for about 4 years now.

I always favoured to live with others - more fun, and cheapter.

Now - I might prefer to get rid of any hussles.

Maybe I am getting old, less compromising.

Maybe I am tired?


In any case, I came to my another colleague's place today.


And she's leaving tomorrow for a week and a bit.

But by now I am sick n' tired and I MUST FIND A PLACE TO SETTLE.


But then I don't want to pay USD 2000 by myself in a house in Port-au-Price, where you might not have electricity sometimes?!?!

Ah what a crazy place I live now...