

I won't force you to become a Christian now, but at least I wantyou to understand how importan...

2016-02-26 07:33:47 | 日記














(1)I'll take your mother with us until the ceremony. My husband would be happy to see her and talk because he had been in Japan long time ago.

(2)Seeing her, he started to relax and even felt love for her, although he had grudged against her. Those were all gone now.

(3)When he saw his aged, worn-out mother, he realized for the first time her love for him.

(4)His mother, as her mother-in-law welcomed her with big smile.

(5)We're gonna be hit by a car driving in the opposite direction.

(6)You made an oath at the wedding, right?
※oath…誓い ♪オウθ

(7)It depends on how you think about it.

(8)That's part of it, but ... maybe this is my problem.

(9)I'm not going to become a monk but I don't think Ican say that we are going to church as long as we live in a temple.
※as long as…~する限り

(10)I won't force you to become a Christian now, but at least I want you to understand how importantit is for me to go to church.
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