オサンポ walk - 抜け殻になる前 before becoming a exuvia

2018年07月26日 | 日記

Before becoming a exuvia
The pupa is getting the headlights
On itself during eclosion behaviour

車が通る坂道の歩道に置いてある、車止めに渡してあるロープです。に、蝉の幼虫が留まっていてこれから羽化すっかな、ってところだと思います。このロープは何本か張ってあって他でも何匹か見ました。羽化後組とこれから組。なんでこのロープを気に入っているんでしょうか? 不思議です。
There is a sloping road where cars running. The rope has a pupa of cicada on itself is a part of the car stop by the road. The pupa was going to become adult during the night. There were other ropes that also had many pupas and exuviae. I'm wondering why they like these ropes? I see some on there every year.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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