郵便局 Post office - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月20日 | 日記

Open until 18:00
Credit card okay

しかもクレジットカードが使える! あー日本の郵便局でも早く使えるよーになって欲しいです!
In Japan, our post office closes at 17:00, only special ones open until 18:00.
We can use our credit cards at the Korean Post Offices, it's convenience!! I hope Japanese post office will allow us to use our credit cards!

こちら切手です。郵便局で出したのとは別に、日本に出す分の切手を1枚欲しい(何とか通じたようです) と伝えましたら、こちらを渡してくれました。

Here are stamps. I bought them when I bought the stamps for sending cards to overseas at the office, the officer understood what I'd like to have. Thank you.
When we send a post card from Japan to overseas, it costs us 70 yen. 540won(around 54 yen) is more reasonable than from Japan.

こちら街中の郵便ポスト。同じ赤い色なので見つけやすいかも? (でも数はそんなにないかも? の印象あり)

Here is a post in the town. It has the same colour to ours, it's easier to find it but I thought that there were not so many posts in the city.
That's another story, you could find an add poster at the wall next to the post, I saw it many times and anywhere.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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