

ecotourism investment 5

2006年12月22日 06時25分40秒 | Weblog
6.0 Conclusions: Two ecotourism destinations

6.1 Ecotourism in Otago, New Zealand: local people and democratic city council support socio-cultural sustainability for the tourism industry. Those also benefit ecotourism. If they can deal with the growth of population well, there will not be any political problems in the future either. Moreover, A local ecotourism businesses have advantages that they can cooperate each other for sustainability of the destination. Locally operated ecotourism coordinators increase economical sustainability and some types of independent qualification systems ensure environmental sustainability of the ecotourism destination. On the other hand, flexibility of currency trading creates a risk of investing in New Zealand. Strong NZ$ will reduce a number of tourists in the country and have negative effects on whole tourism destinations.

6.2 Ecotourism in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A social division cased by the apartheid era still remains there. Many local people did not have educations, and they do not have advanced skills and works. The lack of educations increases crime rates and epidemics infection rates at the destination, and keeps society unsustainable. This lack of educations also occurs difficulties of participating ecotourism industries for local people. Then, ecotourism industries have to face unexpected conflicts to the local community. Particularly transformations of the government and laws of the property right after the apartheid era make actual ownerships of lands unclear. This is interrupting conservation works at private owned areas. Because of a separation between people and poor understanding of each other, ecotourism has to manage sustainability without support from the local community there.

7.0 Recommendations
Ecotourism in Otago, New Zealand is socio-culturally, economically and environmentally more sustainable, compared to ecotourism in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, through this report. However, Fuku managing consultant recommends investing in KwaZulu-Natal.
As ecotourism destination, Otago is self-completed. They have the effective city council to satisfy the one industry concept of tourism, many locally managed attractions that focus on sustainability, and independent assessors to ensure quality of the tourism. They tend to limit number of tourists for minimizing impacts and sustainability, so people do not expect a further boom of the tourism. It is a developed tourism destination and investors cannot fund there without tourism expansion and destruction of the environment.
On the other hand, KwaZulu-Natal people cannot manage tourism alone, and they need supports from outside. Constructions of infrastructures for tourism industry including job training centers or schools will improve a quality of tourism, sustainability and standard of living. Those also provide jobs for non-skilled workers and a chance to improve working skills. This development will damage environment but people can sustain their lives in a long term. It is better than that people stay in poverty and keep damaging environment just to survive. Investments for ecotourism business in KwaZulu-Natal will improve local situation dramatically.

