
-The Road to improve English-
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1162.My delusions?

2010-11-28 09:19:29 | Topics

Now, "Women's drinking party" seems to be popular in Japan. I have not gone to such a drinking party yet(^^;)... So, today, I try to write about "Women's drinking party of WTA" with all suhu-san's delusion☆. Read it as humorous without thinking well, please☆

At first, they are fighting about who is the party organizer among the three. Very women's trouble☆. They are Kuzzie, Jankovic and Schiavone. Anybody of three players would be best as a party organizer. Hmm., besides, they are fighting about what food is best at that party., Russian food, Serbian food or Italian food...

Lady Dementieva mediated and gave a good advice to them "We enjoy many foods, very lucky, right?". Oh, it's very lady's comment☆. She is busy now, because she is learning about journalism and spending a good time with her boyfriend. But she would come to the party for her fellow. Oh., her mother would come too...
「コーチも連れてこい」と、さんざん言われているようです。。「女子会だろー?」by ベラ
"Bring your coach", she is said about him a lot... "Just a women's party, right?" by Vera

Madam-Maria who always has a little "different" atmosphere among Russian players☆. Oh, she is busy for a side business, so, she doesn't seem to be interested in it... Hmm, she would never go to such a party, it means she would never go where the media doesn't pay attention?(^^;)...

Wozniacki and Azarenka, they went somewhere to enjoy together in the off-season. All through the ages, young people would have "youthful abandon"☆. It would be too young to go to such a women's party...

Serena said "I won't go there" to her older sister. Venus seems to want to learn more about design.., but she had a opinion "It would be not good we two won't go there..", so, she would go to the party. She's just older sister☆

Sam said "Of course, I'll go", she gave willing consent to it. She seems to have male fans and female fans at equal rate. She would come there, wearing nice clothes and cute accessories, she would be a person who gives a sense of peace to everyone.

In the off-season, they also seems to be busy for a side business. "If my schedule permits, I'll go there". The way to turn down an invitation is kind. And If they really have enough time, they would go there.

The only Japanese tennis player who can play in the top level of the world. Date-san would go there with smile. She is the oldest player, but she would look like a younger player(^^;). And at that party, she would find the partner to practice together. That's her talent as a person. And.., she would eat a lot the most...

Oh, Kim would go there with Jada-chan. Hmm., it's women's party.., so, Jada-chan would be OK☆. Anyway, the main girl of this party would be Jada-chan...

Henin would be absent☆. I can't expect that Henin would go to such a women's party(^^;)... Oh., she seems to be integrity person, so, she said the reason of her absence. "This party would never become a experience of life and for my tennis. I need some time to spend with my family and friend in weekend". She seems to be a sober, thoughtful person☆

Everything is my delusion. Sorry about that. Just enjoy!
