
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1161.Continue, OK?

2010-11-27 08:49:35 | Topics

This topic is continued from where I left off yesterday?... Henin reached the final for the first tournament since comeback. The opponent was Kim, it's all-Belgian final. That final match made us think that "WTA would become exciting this year" in early new year☆
エナンは、3-6, 6-4, 6-7(5-7)で負けちまい、、その後、今年は、キムさんに3連敗でした。。来年は、このリベンジも焦点に観戦したいと思います☆。因みに、エナン敗退で、私が悔しくて寝れなかったのは、この一戦でした。復帰後初トーナメントだったからか、、セレナに敗退やWB敗退よりも、久しぶりに悔しかったらしい。。

Henin lost to Kim at 3-6, 6-4, 6-7(5-7)... After that, Henin lost three times to Kim this year... Next year, I want to support Henin for this revenge too☆. This was the only match I couldn't sleep well because of a frustration for Henin's defeat. In my case, I seemed to have a sense of frustration more than lose to Serena or WB, because of her first tournament since comeback after a long absence...

It might be my minor point?.., I was glad to see Henin's win against Ana-san. Ana-san became one of my favorite players from a few years ago, but Henin is the best for me☆. I want to see Henin's win more and more against such a player☆
Oh, It's a impressive photo for me. Henin would usually watch the PC like this-?☆

This is the photo I took, when I was waiting for a tram for sightseeing in Brussels city. You can see the word "TOSHIBA" in the sign. Some personal computers made in Japan would be sold there. And you can see the triumphal arches of Belgium in the back. It's very great and big, there's museum☆. Oh, it would be another topic-☆.
