
-The Road to improve English-
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493.Enjoy tennis!

2009-01-07 12:31:43 | Tennis
伊達さん、ニュージーランドでシングルス1回戦敗退(4-6, 3-6)でした。海外ツアー出場は13季ぶりとか。「勝ち負けより楽しみたい」と伊達さん。きっと、復帰する人は、何かを超越してくるのでしょうね。舞台に立つことや挑戦することを楽しんでいるようです。輝いていますね☆。今年も応援します!

Date-san lost 4-6, 3-6 in the first-round singles match in New Zealand. It was for the first time in 13 years to come in overseas tennis tour. Date-san said "I want to enjoy now rather than win". I think, maybe., the player who comes back to professional tennis would go beyond something of oneself. She seems to enjoy standing the court and challenging to oneself. She is shining now☆ I'll support her this year too!

* Date-san lost.., But now, Go to AO!
Our prince had a good win! He is just hungry for a win now. I'll support him too!

* Nishikori-kun won!
Oh, his hair's getting longer(laugh). Novak-kun, the champion at 2008 AO. Hum? Lost? Come on!

* Top-seeded Djokovic upset in 1st round in Brisbane
くぅ~、現役選手が動き始めると、やっぱり寂しいですね。。去年の今頃は、今年こんな風になるとは思わなかったですね。。エナン様のファンタスティック2007年の余韻に酔ってる最中でした。。うーん、、何かが消え始めてた頃ですか。。いいじゃん、また違う風に燃やせば、、伊達さんのように?☆。あ、また妄想が…いけないわ、失礼しました。。エンジョイ テニス、エナン!

Hummmmmm...., when I watch the current players start to play tennis on the tour, I'm just getting sad... This time last year, we didn't expect the year without Henin like this... Yes., we were basking in the afterglow of Henin-sama's fantastic 2007.. But actually., she was beginning to go out from there... Okay, Okay.., she can still burn again., yes it's by the different way., for example, like Date-san?☆. Oh-oh.., I begin my delusion again this year too... Sorry about that. Anyway, Enjoy tennis, Henin!