○ The Fukushima Crisis 108;Low dose Child's Contami.Gets Harm.1福島危機108.低線量被爆.子供.危険1.

2011-09-16 06:16:42 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

[Phase 1]

The crisis of the increase in cardiopathy to the children of Fukushima! Cesium influences! Dr. Busby.

Christopher Busby of 09/11 / 2011 Europe radiation risk committee. About Fukushima and Chernobyl.
1. When defining a radiation risk model, cancer and the rate of incidence of leukemia are always told. That is, the present radiation risk model guesses what cancer and leukemia break out even in Fukushima or Chernobyl. However, we know in Chernobyl that radiation is all kinds of sick cause, and one in it is "cardiopathy."
2. Although My Fellow Yury Bandazhevsky and He are Famous for "Research of Influence to Child of Cesium 137 of Chernobyl in Belarus" about Influence Which Cardiopathy Has on Child, It discovered that abnormal heart rhythm had happened to children's heart polluted with per weight of 1 kg by the radiation cesium 137 of querelle only 20 to 30 Bq late in the 90s. And a heart attack was caused and it has passed away. This is a very serious problem! All that matters is the illness of cancer or not only leukemia but the heart. The symptoms is shown in probability higher than usual. It becomes the illness which only the elderly adult usually becomes. That is, it is that of causing-by low dose contamination-what kind of illness . He began research about this thing.

The size of a 2 to 5-year-old child's heart is only like a kiwi. The size of the heart of 10 years old is only a tomato. It understands how many cells of the heart there are. The heart is 220 g in weight and there is the 85-g muscular system. 3 billion muscle cells exist in a child's heart. 50-Bq cesium 137 is put into this organization as to how it verifies. Then, by this cesium 137, 1% of cell became extinct. Although it is only 1%, 25% is lost as muscles of the heart! This is a very serious thing. It is because the heart and its muscles always beat over the whole life. The blood of 7000Litters flows into the body every day. We will live for 70 years. This beat continues throughout life.

【Phase 1】

福島の子供たちに心臓病増加の危機! セシウムが影響する! Dr.バズビー 09/11/2011

私の同僚ユーリー・バンダジェフスキーYury Bandazhevsky、彼は"ベラルーシにおけるチェルノブイリのセシウム137の子供への影響の研究"で有名ですが、90年代後半に、体重1kg当りでわずか20-30べクレルの放射線セシウム137に汚染された子供たちの心臓に、不整脈が起っていることを発見しました。

2-5歳の子供の心臓の大きさは、kiwi くらいです。10歳の心臓の大きさは、トマトくらいです。心臓の細胞が何個あるかわかっています。


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Unknown (rururu)
2011-09-17 02:26:15
欧州放射能委員会のクリストファー・バズビー博士が、『全国放射能MAP』 と 『全国食品放射能MAP』 を作成するに当たり、北は北海道から、南は沖縄まで、各地域で、土壌や食品の計測をしてくださる協力者を募集しています。



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