○ The MONSANTO Empire. モンサント: 見えない怖さ!

2012-10-29 13:39:19 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

10/29/2012. Monsanto Co.
Marie-Monique Robin Documentary image writer . supervisor

<<Monsanto is unnatural -- foods >>; the cinema

By Shibuya uplink, it is under show.
agricultural power France -- no less than 1,500,000 people -- although -- the documentary which appreciated and became the center of attention.
The multinational bio-science maker, Monsanto which have the head office in the United States.
The back side of the company which controls 90% of the genetically modified organism market in the world is approached.
The shocking work with which the history in which the company which makes light of consideration of the safety and environment of food, and concentrates on profits pursuit is not known is brought to light with many testimony and documents.
GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) is begun and the history over the 1st century of the company treating a defoliant, a weed killer, bovine growth hormone, etc. is verified.
An alarm bell is sounded to the economic structure of food of the profits unbalance type business style which does not look back upon the burden on the genetic diversity or environment in a nature, and people life of through and the present age.
Monsanto has caused great pollution and environmental pollution in PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl), the dioxin as a defoliant, a transgenics seed, and each time until now.
PCB was produced in the small town in the United States.
It passed to the river directly and was piling up out in the open.
Although the data official announcement was made to there being no carcinogenicity in the accident of the factory, the 1990s which carried out five-decades progress came, and it was proved that it is fabrication data.
In the army which has fallen into the battle of a bog in Vietnam, spraying of the "defoliant" was powerfully promoted as a measure against Viet Cong.
Later, even if cancer occurs to embryonic malformation and children, causal relationship is not accepted officially.
Monsanto Co. is twice defeated by the lawsuit about the carcinogenicity of PCB.
The both let data fabrication be a problem.
The production of the tolerant seed of the cause to which Monsanto sold the transgenics seed was the purpose at the weed killer "a round rise" of its company.
Such a kind is called "a round rise lady (it prepares for the round rise)", and makes agricultural work reduce sharply.
Monsanto sells a weed killer and a seed by a set, and makes a killing.
The political intervention power of Monsanto Co. is great.
The transgenics seed was made to be accepted in one's papa Bush administration days as an improvement-of-a-species plant.
The transgenics seed which is improvement will appear on the market in a market, without being verified in any way.
The transgenic soybean was taken out to the U.S. market, and by the time it occupied 90% in only ten years, it became.
Although it is many harvest and weeding-out mitigation and spread in an instant, the farmland without even weeds is uncanny.
since Monsanto acquires the patent right of a transgenics seed, if a farmhouse does not have purchase every year, it will not become.
In order to purchase a transgenics seed, a farmhouse submits a contract.
If the seed which gathered a harvest is scattered, it will become infringement of patent right.
Monsanto prepares the "gene police" and controls the injustice of a farmhouse.
When doubtful, it appeals immediately.
The farmhouse against which it appealed does not fight.
It is because farm management becomes impossible when disliked by Monsanto.
For the moment, the agricultural products produced with the transgenics seed are analyzed how much scientifically, and abnormalities are not checked.
When a mouse is fed on genetically-modified soy beans and the conventional soybean, it is a grade with which do not live long, ability of reproduction is inferior, or unspecified unwholesomeness is accepted to be.
The corroboration is not obtained, although a round rise causes a user a genetic abnormality, a soybean has carcinogenicity or some scientists have reported.
It is not natural for a plant to carry out tolerance to a specific insect and medicine, and to bear a fruit cooly.
BT cotton (it is tolerance to an insect and a medicine) is introduced on a grand scale, and it is made to buy a seed expensive every year in India.
Mating is occurred also for growing a native species and it cannot make.
Serious problems -- ordinary corn was screened by the GM kind and the taste of tortilla changed even in Mexico -- have arisen.
In order to overcome a food shortage, the opinion it is supposed that must be depended on a genetically modified organism is gaining popularity in the United States.
It will be a front that Monsanto Co. went the growth hormone (BST) of the cow into arms to the dairy domain for about 20 years.
If the growth hormone of a cow is prescribed for the patient, the amount of milk will be extended about 20%.
By the U.S. dairy, medication of bovine growth hormone is performed daily now.
Monsanto developed the technology of producing bovine growth hormone through coliform bacillus.
In order to give this bovine growth hormone to a cow, a dairy cow is injected twice in the minimum moon.
Positive It sells so that it may fly by a brand name called a rack.
When saying it plainly, medication of bovine growth hormone is "doping of a dairy cow."
The milk produced from the dairy cow medicated with the manufactured bovine growth hormone by making to say that it is the same as that of a natural thing into a basis is not performed even an inspection.
Medication of bovine growth hormone is permitted in neither EU nor Japan.
It seems that American consumers also bear a question if it finds that non BST milk sells so that it may fly also with a heavy price.
There are some scholars who point out frequent occurrence of mastitis and the fall of a milk ingredient to the cow medicated with bovine growth hormone constantly.
It turns out that many substances called IGF?1 (insulin growth factor) are contained 2?6 times compared with milk unprescribed a medicine for the patient.
Rapid multiplication of people's breast cells is urged to this substance, and it is said that it becomes a cause which a female breast becomes large or raises the risk of a breast cancer.
Monsanto insisted that it was destroyed in process of processing, and has appealed against the milk sales company "It indicated that it is satisfactory specially and has given consumers misunderstanding" to non BST milk.
Once, the BST medication milk exceeding 80% is a half grade.
Participating in TPP will admit the system of the threat of such the United States, food safety, etc.
In 2011, the persons this year who decorate the cover of a U.S. time magazine were many and unspecified persons of those who protest.
The American farmer also came out to Wall Street, and participated in this motion.
It insisted that American food was governed with the agricultural products of a major company, division, and a genetically modified organism, and asked for the justice (Food Justice) of food.
By a jump and food shortage of grain, it is predicted that Monsanto Co. develops achievements from now on.

10/29/2012. モンサント社。 Marie-Monique Robin ドキュメンタリー映像作家.監督

《モンサントの不自然な食べもの》; the cinema

GMO(Genetically Modified Organisms)をはじめ、枯葉剤や除草剤、牛成長ホルモンなどを扱ってきた同社の1世紀にわたる歴史を検証していく。自然界における遺伝的多様性や環境への負担、人々の暮らしを顧みない利益偏重型のビジネススタイルを通し、現代の食の経済構造に警鐘を鳴らす。



モンサント社の政治介入力はすごい。パパブッシュ政権時代に、遺伝子組換え種子を品種改良植物として認めさせた。改良である遺伝子組換え種子は何ら検証されることなく、市場に出回ることになる。遺伝子組み換えの大豆をアメリカ市場に出して、わずか10年で90%を占めるまでになった。多収穫と除草軽減で、瞬く間に広まったが、雑草ひとつない農地は不気味だ。モンサントは遺伝子組み換え種子の特許権を取得しているので、農家は毎年買い付けなければならない。 遺伝子組換え種子を購入するために、農家は契約書を提出する。収穫した種子を播くと、特許権の侵害になる。モンサントは「遺伝子警察」を設けて、農家の不正を取り締まる。疑わしい場合は、即座に訴えられる。訴えられた農家は、争わない。モンサントに嫌われると農業経営ができなくなるからである。

モンサント社が、牛の成長ホルモン(BST)を武器に酪農領域に入ってきたのが20年ほど前。牛の成長ホルモンを投与すると、20%近く乳量が伸びる。現在アメリカの酪農では、牛成長ホルモンの投与は日常的に行われている。モンサントは大腸菌を通じて牛成長ホルモンを生産する技術を開発した。この牛成長ホルモンを牛に与えるには、最低月に2回乳牛に注射する。ポジ ラックという商品名で飛ぶように売れている。わかりやすく言うと牛成長ホルモンの投与は、「乳牛のドーピング」である。製造された牛成長ホルモンが自然のものと同一だと言うのを根拠として、投与された乳牛から生産された牛乳は、検査すら行われない。

2011年、アメリカのタイム誌の表紙を飾る今年の人は、抗議する人という不特定多数の人物であった。アメリカの農民も、ウオールストリートに出て、この動きに参加した。アメリカの食料は、大企業の農産物、とりわけ、遺伝子組み換え作物によって支配されている、と訴え、食料の正義(Food Justice)を求めた。

[Comment / of Director Marie-Monique Robin ]
Tens of witnesses who took a photograph over one year by ten nations (Mexico, Paraguay, the U.S., Vietnam, India, Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, France), and investigated on the Internet were interviewed.
Much information is already on the Internet and we were not able to turn a blind eye to the crime of Monsanto any more.
Most sources of information could be obtained on the Internet, and in order to avoid that I am accused from Monsanto, it used the Internet as a news source.
Although Monsanto Co. employed people and it was investigating whether it could appeal against me, it checked in detail the contents which I have impeached, and gave up them after all.
This documentary was broadcast by 42 nations and books were also translated into 16 languages.
Now, agriculture of Japan is covered.
Japan is the birthplace of "a tie-up" and this has become a model of the new circulation which connects consumers to the organic farmer which is spreading globally.
I am making documentary about the agro ecology as a means to supply food to people in the world now.
Moreover, as following documentary, it is under photography now also about what happened to agriculture of Japan after the Fukushima accident.

<> "Achievements" of Monsanto Co.
Monsanto Co. is the multinational bio-chemistry maker who was established in the United States in 1901 and has advanced to 46 nations in the world.
It is known as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), a defoliant, bovine growth hormone, a weed killer round rise, and a development company of a genetically modified organism.
Each product has started the problem all over the world by the bad influence to a human body or environment.
PCB was strong with heat and was broadly used for the electrical oil of a heat medium, a transformer, or electrical machinery and apparatus called a capacitor, no-carbon paper, etc. from the character not letting electricity pass, chemically stable in which it does not burn.
When, the toxicity to a living body is very strong, and if taken into the body, it will cause problems, such as cancer, various internal diseases, a hormone abnormality, a chlorine sprain of the whole body, a child's 畸 form, and pigmentation of the skin.
Although Mitsubishi Monsanto Chemical was manufacturing in Japan, the "Kanemi rice oil disease incident" mixed in rice-bran oil occurs, about 14,000 persons suffer damage on the whole western part of Japan, and manufacture and sale are forbidden in 1975 in 1968.
However, into a product and environment, it exists in large quantities and is also still called "the bomb which sleeps."
A defoliant is sprinkled in large quantities from an airplane, in order that the U.S. Forces which burned the hand to Viet Cong who hides in a jungle by the Vietnam War and develops bushfighting may kill a jungle and may destroy agricultural infrastructure.
4 million Vietnamese were exposed to the strong toxic dioxin contained in it, and many malformed children were born.
The U.S. Forces soldier who sprinkled was also exposed and 40,000 returned soldiers caused the class action in quest of compensation of health impairment.
It is said that the quantity of the milk which growth of a calf can take by a dairy cow early very much increases bovine growth hormone to 20%.
However, there is indication that the hormone prescribed for the patient causes allergy, a hormone abnormality, and also cancer in the person who remained in meat or milk and ate [ drinking and ] it.
Monsanto Co. developed the process which makes transgenics coliform bacillus make bovine growth hormone, and it put on the market in the product name of "Pojirac" in 1994.
However, sales did not increase by consumers' refusal, but this section was sold off and it withdrew in 2008.
However, the product itself is continuing being used even now in the United States.
The check of safety of a genetically modified organism is insufficient so that it may come out also on this movie, or data is fabricated.
Work of a gene is very complicated, there are many portions which are not understood what occurs, and the consumers in the world can call it a guinea pig state.
Moreover, the retaliation from nature -- the "superweed" whose round rise is not effective is expanded -- has also started.

<> Supervisor profile
Marie-Monique Robin A Marie-Monique Robin French journalist, documentary image writer.
In 1960, it will be born to the farmhouse of the Charente district in France.
After studying journalism in Strasbourg, it crosses to South America as a free lance reporter, and collects materials from the Colombia guerrilla etc.
It is the Albert Rondelet prize award at "Voleurs d'yeux (thieves of an eyeball)" on the themes of 1995 and sale and purchase of organs.
2003, A FIGRA (social news report & documentary International Film Festival) excellent research prize others are awarded by "Escadrons de lamort and l'ecole francaise (Esquadrao de Morte: instruction of France)" treating the torture and the slaughter by the France army in Algerian War.
in 2008, this "Monsanto will be unnatural --foods " shines with many prizes besides the Rachel Carson prize (Norway) and a German environmental media prize.
Now, materials are collected from the farmhouse in Fukushima after 3.11, and the work which ran after the alternative farmhouse in the world on the theme of the continuous society consisting mainly of agro ecology and agriculture is under work.

ref. plz look! pathfinderk
○ Monsanto's Fang!! モンサントの毒牙。
* 09/20/2012 lemonde. Food and Chemical Toxicology mag.
French French daily Le Monde "doubt of toxicity [ genetically modified food / of Monsanto ]" Un OGM de Monsanto soupçonné de toxicité

◦Marie-Monique Robin監督のコメント






マリー=モニク・ロバン Marie-Monique Robin  
1995年、臓器売買をテーマにした『Voleurs d’yeux(眼球の泥棒たち)』でアルベール・ロンドレ賞受賞。

2003年、アルジェリア戦争でのフランス軍による拷問や虐殺を扱った『Escadrons de la mort, l’ecole francaise(死の部隊:フランスの教え)』でFIGRA(社会ニュースレポート&ドキュメンタリー国際映画祭)優秀研究賞ほか受賞。


ref. pathfinderk. 関連article です。plz look!!
○ Monsanto's Fang!! モンサントの毒牙。
☆09/20/2012 lemonde. Food and Chemical Toxicology mag.
Un OGM de Monsanto soupçonné de toxicité

