○ "Shadow Hero"Okazaki / 岡崎に「陰のヒーロー」「躍進レスターの象徴」と英紙が絶賛 

2016-05-03 17:03:55 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.
2016-05-03 17:03:55 Sankei com

British paper acclaims as "shadow hero" "symbol in progress Leicester" in Okazaki While it's devotion play, a change is converted positively.

[London = Okabe shin] the blue fresh breeze to blow accomplished a heroic achievement of "big upset in the century" and carved new one page in history of a premiere league.

When the whistles of the no side which ties and tells RU by which TOTTONAMU of about 2 is Chelsea and 2-2 gathered at a home of a birdie of the United Kingdom representative FW in the Leicester city, and resounded through Lester's players I was doing television watch of in the evening for 2 days, I made delight explosive in the "first-time victory of" miracle which embraces each other, and is club establishment for the 133rd year.

Japanese representative FW Okazaki also was there to be seen in the center of the circle of delight. Okazaki of an excited state was violently jostled, and if it "was the feeling which was happy, and isn't believed so that I was lost after a long time" in its TSUITTA, expressed delight.

I appear on 34 games by 36 games of league series as regular of FW and have supported a leap attack of a team as a central player.

When premiere first goal is recorded in the waist ham competition of the 2nd clause, marvelous overhead kick has been decided in Newcastle competition of the 30th clause.

But full appearance is only 3 games. Even number big one with the Manchester United performed by away achieved the starting in advance of others appearance which becomes 16 game continuation of league series on the 1st, but I left in the second half for 67 minutes. While they're 24 games while appearing on 34 games, it's the shape that I changed.

I run about by full strength from the first half and contribute to offense and defense by the rich momentum. I leave in the second half when a flow was pulled. But its workings by which a sprint of 86 times per 73 minutes shown in Swansea competition of the 35th clause doesn't regret a trouble produced scoring chance of the muff Lesbian who gave the birdie, 17 goals and 11 assist chosen as most valuable player of an English soccer reporter society.

Dry media also estimated Okazaki's contribution properly. Quality paper "Guardian" acclaimed as "the contribution immeasurable by the number which supported a goal with an intelligent movement". "Okazaki's style is most suitable for Lester's game plan." and, rough devoting play fitted tactics of a team of "swift attack of offense and defense" and even commented "symbol in progress Leicester" "A way relay should be surprised."

A tabloid paper "mirror", "Technique and excellent work chip, but the momentum and the enthusiasm are marvelous. Okazaki who doesn't stop to run is a hero in the shadow by a mainstay, too.", it was praised.

A local supporter who has a sharp eye sent "Okazaki, the shadow leading role" and big clapping, too. While many British people understood the contribution of Okazaki, I looked at a change by my positive eyes.

But a goal, several, when doing 5 scores in Okazaki of a striker, it isn't the number satisfied. Real feelings, "Regrettable concern has been always done. I'd like to get a point as FW and be more conspicuous.", it has been bullied by a humiliation sense.

A victory isn't a goal for Okazaki. I settled in main force by a premiere league in the world highest peak and proved the value of FW which can't tell only by the number of scores once more, "It can still grow. I'd like to be the leading role of a team." The "samurai striker" which passed from Mainz (Germany) last summer with strong faith is left by persistent aspiration, and 2 games of full strength also dashes.

2016-05-03 17:03:55 Sankei com 

2016.5.3 10:03














〓〓 ref.


イギリスのプレミアリーグ(Permier League)で レスター(Leicester)が優勝を決めた、というニュースが大きく報じられていますね。

昨シーズンは下位リーグに降格になる(be relegated)のを何とかまぬがれたというレベルだったので、今回は多くの人の予想を裏切って大躍進しました。

ほかの有名なチームと比べて年俸の高いスタープレーヤーを集めたわけでもなく、少ない予算(budget)で優勝したことも話題になっています。「わずかな予算」という意味の shoestring budget という言葉を使っているニュースレポーターもいました。


A bookmaker is a person whose job is to take your money when you bet and to pay you money if you win. (コウビルド英英辞典より)

レスターの正式なチーム名はレスター・シティFCで、本拠地はイギリス中部のLeicesterです。Leicesterというつづりでレスターと読むのは不思議な感じですが、ウスターソースが Worcester sauce であるのと似ています。

イギリスではサッカーのことを football と言うので、「サッカーのプレミアリーグ」と言いたいときには Premier League football と言います。一方、アメリカでは、football と言えば普通はアメリカン・フットボールのことを意味し、サッカーは soccer と言います。

Theme 英語
Genre 学問・文化・芸術

