◯ 41 Million Americans Are Living In Poverty This Christmas // 41百万人のアメリカ人が貧困今年のクリスマスに住んでいます

2017-12-26 07:33:21 | ♪Trump NEWS


41 Million Americans Are Living In Poverty This Christmas

– 41 Million Americans Are Living In Poverty This Christmas:

Even though the stock market continues to set new record high after new record highpoverty is exploding all over America. 

It is being reported that 41 million people are living in poverty at this moment, and 9 million of them do not receive a single penny of income from anyone.  Once you have been unemployed for long enough, you don’t qualify for unemployment payments any longer, and once you are on the street there is nowhere for other governments programs to send a check to.  I have previously discussed the rising epidemic of homelessness in our nation, but most people don’t want to think about that sort of a thing these days.  Even though New York City has the most homeless since the Great Depression, and even though homelessness in Los Angeles is at an all-time record high, most people want to pretend that everything is just fine.

Well, the truth is that everything is not just fine.

A reporter from the Guardian recently traveled with a special UN envoy to some of the most impoverished areas of the United States.  His report is extremely eye-opening, and I wanted to share a short excerpt from his story.  This portion of his articleis about a 41-year-old woman named Ressy Finley who is desperately trying to stay alive on the mean streets of Skid Row in Los Angeles…

Ressy Finley, 41, was busy sterilizing the white bucket she uses to slop out in her tent in which she has lived on and off for more than a decade. She keeps her living area, a mass of worn mattresses and blankets and a few motley possessions, as clean as she can in a losing battle against rats and cockroaches. She also endures waves of bed bugs, and has large welts on her shoulder to prove it.

She receives no formal income, and what she makes on recycling bottles and cans is no way enough to afford the average rents of $1,400 a month for a tiny one-bedroom. A friend brings her food every couple of days, the rest of the time she relies on nearby missions.

She cried twice in the course of our short conversation, once when she recalled how her infant son was taken from her arms by social workers because of her drug habit (he is now 14; she has never seen him again). The second time was when she alluded to the sexual abuse that set her as a child on the path towards drugs and homelessness.

Los Angeles has declared a state of emergency because the number of homeless is rising so rapidly, and so have nine other cities along the west coast.  For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “As America Gives Thanks, Homelessness Continues To Set New Records In Major Cities All Over The Nation”.

The sad thing is that there are more than a million homes sitting empty in America right now.  As economic opportunities have dried up, many communities in the middle part of the nation are becoming “ghost towns”, and it is getting worse with each passing day

There are nearly 1.4 million vacant residential properties across the country — abandoned, not for sale, mostly unoccupied homes. With vacant properties comprising as much as 30% of residential properties, some neighborhoods are starting to feel like ghost towns.

Many believe that the answer to the decline of the middle class and the growth of poverty is even more socialism.

But if you want to see where that road leads, just look at what is happening in Venezuela.  People are eating cats and dogs, and just today there were a whole bunch of mainstream news articles about how children are literally starving to death.

No, the real answer is to do what made our economy so great in the first place.  Between 1872 and 1913, we didn’t have an income tax or a central bank, and it was the greatest period of economic growth in U.S. history.

What we have today is not free market capitalism.  We have gone very far down the road toward government-controlled socialism, and it has created a giant mess.

If we want to have a healthy middle class again, we need to have a society that promotes entrepreneurs and the creation of small businesses.  Today we are literally choking the financial life out of entrepreneurs and small businesses, and when I am elected to Congress I am going to fight as hard as I can to change that.

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2017-12-26 07:33:21 GlobalNews.  the Guardian.


-  41百万人のアメリカ人が貧困今年のクリスマスに住んでいます:


ことが報告されている41百万の人々が、この時点で貧困の中で生活している、と彼らは9万人が誰からも収入の単一のペニーを受信しません。 あなたは十分な長さのために失業したら、あなたはもはや失業支払いの対象とならない、とあなたが路上にいる一度にチェックを送信するために、他の政府プログラムのためにどこにもありません私は以前に私たちの国でホームレスの立ち上がり流行を議論してきたが、ほとんどの人は、これらの日そういったことを考える必要はありませんニューヨーク市は、ほとんどのホームレス持っているにもかかわらず大恐慌以来の、そしてロサンゼルスのホームレスがであるにも関わらず、高いすべての時間の記録、ほとんどの人はすべてがうまくあることをふりをしたいと思います。


ガーディアンの記者は最近、緒に旅一米国の最かも貧困地域の一部に特別な国連特使。 彼の報告は非常に目を開いている、と私は彼の話からの短い抜粋を共有したいと思いました。  この部分彼の記事は、必死にロサンゼルスでスキッド・ロウの平均路上で生き続けるためにしようとしているRessyフィンリーという名前の41歳の女性についてでします...


彼女は正式な収入を受信しないと、どのような彼女はリサイクルボトルや缶の上に作ることは、小さなワンベッドルームのための$ 1,400の月の平均賃料を買う余裕が十分に方法はありませありません友人は数日おきに、彼女は近くの任務に依存している残りの時間を自分の食糧をもたらします


ロサンゼルスは、ホームレスの数は急速に増加しているので、非常事態を宣言し、その西海岸に沿って9つの他の都市を持っていました   この上の多くの詳細については、題した私の以前の記事を参照してください「アメリカは感謝を与えるので、ホームレス問題はすべての国家以上の主要都市での新しいレコードを設定し続けて」

悲しいことは、今アメリカで空座っ百万人以上の家庭があるということです経済的機会が干上がってきたように、国の中央部には多くのコミュニティは「ゴーストタウン」になりつつあり、それが悪化している日を追うごとに ...




いや、本当の答えは、最初の場所で私たちの経済はとても素晴らしい作ったものを行うことです   1913年の間にと1872年、我々は、所得税や中央銀行を持っていなかった、それは米国歴史の中で経済成長の最大の時代でしました



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