○ Kiss Flower /キスしたくなる?セクシーすぎる唇を持つ花!サイコトリア・エラータ

2017-12-03 23:41:01 | ♪ utu. Music & Play 動画.


○ Kiss Flower /キスしたくなる?セクシーすぎる唇を持つ花!サイコトリア・エラータ

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2016-03-28 22:14:30 http://news.rabbitalk.com

Do you feel like kissing? Flower with a too sexy lip! Psychotria Elata.

May 4, 2015
Nature, the scenery, vegetable impact animation and impact picture

Flower with a delicious crimson lip Psychotria Elata is a plant of the madder family from which Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador are learned about as the tropical tree which can be seen in a Latin-American rain forest.

Because I have a lip of the fascination,Psychotria Elata are called "courtesan's lip" and "hot Lipps".

The flower of the natural world shaped which looks like a human lip! Psychotria Elata.

It's said that Psychotria Elatathe have evolved into the present shape to attract a pollen go-between of a hummingbird and a butterfly. I'd like to make the sillago man, and it never evolved into such shape.

Umm, the lip glamorous with everything. You can also nod at a hummingbird's and a butterfly's being charmed. Latin American UBU, you're these Psychotria Elata surely, and the boy is practice of the first sillago. 

2016-03-28 22:14:30 http://news.rabbitalk.com

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甘美な真紅の唇を持つ花 Psychotria Elata (サイコトリア・エラータ) は、コロンビア、コスタリカ、パナマ、エクアドルなど中南米諸国の熱帯雨林に見られる熱帯の木として知られているアカネ科の植物だ。


人間の唇みたいな形をした自然界の花!Psychotria Elata サイコトリア・エラータ



