◯ The time is out of joint. 時の関節が外れている。

2017-05-30 09:36:21 | ♪Trump NEWS

○ The time ... 時の関節が外れている。
13/02/26 07:42 ♪ One Short Talk

2017-05-30 09:36:21

羽賀翔一 temtest

The time is out of joint.

"Hamlet" 1- 5

Words of Hamlet who grieved over the Danish present situations that had finished rotting.They often compared the world with a human body in those days. This is because it was believed that the human being (microcosm) is analogical inference to the world (macrocosm) (this is called body politic.), they call this analogical inference relations (correspondence).

I point to the society itself right here at "time". It acts as the Japanese "world". Joint of the world comes off, and the state not to be able to change as expected just applies to modern Jpn. pathfinderk

2017-05-30 09:36:21

The time is out of joint.


腐り切ったデンマークの現状を嘆いたハムレットのことば。当時は、世界を人間のからだで喩えることが多かった。(この比喩法をbody politicという。)何故なら、世界(大宇宙)と人間(小宇宙)は類比関係にあると信じられていたからだ。この類比関係のことをcorrespondences(照応)と呼ぶ。


