○ Captain Eo. Michael Jacson キャプテン Eo. with Lylic

2013-05-26 11:25:05 | ♪ One Short Talk

Another Part Of Me

We're takin' over 僕らがこれからこの世界を動かしていくんだよ
We have the truth
This is the mission
To see it through このミッションを世界に実現させて人々を救うためにね

Don't point your finger 反発したりしないでnote1
Not dangerous 危険じゃないよ
This is our planet
You're one of us 君達は僕らの仲間なんだ

We're sendin' out 僕らは届けようとしているんだ
A major love 素敵な愛をね
And this is our
Message to you
(Message to you)
The planets are linin' up 惑星たちがずらりと並んでいるだろう?
We're bringin' brighter days そこに僕らは明るい未来をもたらしていくんだ
They're all in line 明るい日々はもうすぐそこまできているよ
Waitin' for you 君達を待っているんだよ
Can't you see . . .? ねえ、わかるだろう?
You're just another part of me . .君たちは僕の一部みたいなものなんだ(君の苦しみが分かるし、君が大事だし、幸せにしたい、分かち合いたいんだ)

Out from a nation 国というものを離れてみるとき
Fulfill the truth 真理が見えてくるよ
The final message これからいうのが僕らの君達への
We're bringin' you 最後のメッセージだからね
There is no danger 怖がることはないさ
Fulfill the truth 真理をこの世に実現させるだけなんだ
So come together だから君達も仲間になって
We're meanin' you 君のことだよ

We're sendin' out
A major love
And this is our
Message to you
(Message to you)
The planets are linin' up
We're bringin' brighter days
They're all in line
Waitin' for you
So look the truth
You're just another part of me

We're sendin' out
A major love
And this is our
Message to you
(Message to you)
The planets are linin' up
We're bringin' brighter days
They're all in line
Waitin' for you
So 'nuff true ウソじゃないぜnote2
You're just another part of me
Another part of me . .

We're takin' over 世界のあるべき姿を実現する僕らこそがリーダーになるんだよ
This is the truth, baby
This is our time, baby
Another part of me 君は僕の仲間、僕の一部みたいに大切なんだよ

note1 ; point a [the, one's] finger at
・When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that three of his fingers are pointing at himself. : 他人を非難するときその指のうち3本は自分を指していることを忘れてはならない。

note2 ; nuff 米[nʌ́f] (出典:e-プログレッシブ英和中辞典)
[名詞] ((発音つづり))= enough.
NUFF (出典:NAVER Japan翻訳チーム)
『チャット略語』これ以上言わなくていいよ。/いいかげんにしろ。 《Enough Said》
enough (←nuff) 米[inʌ́f] (出典:e-プログレッシブ英和中辞典)
[形容詞] (必要を満たすのに)十分な,足りる. ⇒ ADEQUATE[類語]
We have enough water. [=((古))We have water enough.]
sho nuff (出典:wiktionary)
(eye dialect of, sure enough)
'nuff said (出典:wiktionary)
(informal) Used in various situations to either end a discussion, or to imply that further discussion is not needed (Short for 'enough said').
Nuff said! Been voting lab over 30 yrs. (出典:The Telegraph)
I mean, Gary Oldman with magic powers - 'nuff said. (出典:Rotten Tomatoes)
The Street Athletics initiative was launched in 2005 by Christie's Nuff Respect organisation. (出典:The Telegraph)
OK, David is talented, but Victoria? What does she do? Nuffing? Slag. (出典:Daily Mail)
View all Nuff said reading the comments from Dee, Steve,and Michael. (出典:Daily Mail)
His name is Barack Hussein Obama…’nuff said. (出典:Telegraph Blogs)
And as for Mystic Meg, well, nuff said. (出典:BBC Blogs)

