◯ Millets Trigger Agriculture / 新石器時代、狩猟採集と農耕のギャップを埋めた作物が明らかに

2015-12-26 14:49:07 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学
2015-12-26 14:49:07 gizmode

Ecology and dish/drink

The cropper who closed a gap of the Neolithic era, hunting collection and an agriculture is clear.

2015.12.24 20:00


It was cereal of a small grain that human life and society were the trigger which turns big.

People's life found out that the crop which became the bridge who shifts to an agriculture from hunting collection was the millet grown at North China about 10,000 years ago at the Eurasian Continent in the Neolithic era.

Since it'll be now, a millet is the crop you rarely make edible. If anything aren't there a lot of people who hold an image as food of a bird? But it was a very convenient crop for a nomad in those days and hunting collecting people according to an archaeology magazine "Archaeology Magazine".

Because because a millet can be harvested in about 45 days to the America where it even takes nearly 100 days for profit after it's planted, in addition to needing much water. Moreover no water is needed so much, so you can do the farming even while moving periodically.

It was being thought that there were securement of water and formation of a community in the premise for the agrarian society which can supply food in stable way up to now. But agriculture in an early stage and a view to society are changing with this discovery.

Martin Jones professor of Cambridge University is making a comment as follows.

It's lined that person's village has been also formed out of agriculture in an early stage into the fact that a grown crop was a millet in a mountain range as well as plains near water. When following a transmission process of the millet transmitted to India and Europe from China, the reality of the agricultural history in the early stage made mystery up to now should become clear.

He's thinking a millet isn't only the clue to know the past.

We'd have to understand a millet more deeply. Because there is also a possibility that that will be the start which settles the food problem that the mankind is faced with it now.

source: Stolyevych Yuliya / shutterstock

(Mirei Takahashi)

2015-12-26 14:49:07

エコロジー , 食べ物/飲み物


2015.12.24 20:00




キビは、今となっては食用にされることが少ない作物です。どちらかといえば、鳥のエサというイメージを持っている人が多いんじゃないでしょうか。でも、考古学雑誌「Archaeology Magazine」によると、当時の遊牧民や狩猟採集民族にとっては、とても便利な作物だったんです。



ケンブリッジ大学のMartin Jones教授は次のようにコメントしています。




source: Stolyevych Yuliya / shutterstock


