○ The Fulushima Crisis 306 ; Critical Unit 4 pool. 福島危機 306. 4号機プールの危機.

2012-07-01 09:43:31 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Fukushima of No. 4 Fuel pool cooling stop
Tokyo Shimbun June 30, 2012 Evening paper
The Tokyo Electric Power announced on the 30th that the alarm which tells abnormalities sounded and stopped automatically around 6:25 a.m. with the cooling device of the spent fuel pool of the first nuclear power plant of No. 4 of Fukushima.
When cooling stops, pool temperature is 31 degrees, and it is said that disclosure of the water containing a radioactive material is not checked.
Although Toden does not conclude that water temperature rises abruptly, it is examining whether the cooling device of another system is worked while it investigates a cause.
Cooling had stopped to the fuel pool of No. 4 also on June 4.
A No. 4 pool is on the fifth floor of the reactor building, and a total of 1535 bodies containing 204 intact fuel are kept.
The schedule which takes out intact fuel in a tentative way at this summer.

07/01/2012 08:55 Fuji Television news.
The temperature of the maximum allowed the spent-nuclear-fuel pool of No. 4 of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima is 65-degree Centigrade.
The left-behind time is 45 more hours.

福島4号機 使用済み核燃料燃料プールの冷却停止
東京新聞 2012年6月30日 夕刊





07/01/2012 08:55am フジテレビ news.


