○ A car headlight, in a high beam.//晩秋の薄暮時になぜ死亡事故集中? 車ヘッドライトを原則ハイビームに

2016-11-24 23:22:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016.11.24 09:30 sank eight com

At the time of twilight in a late fall, why, fatal accident concentration? A car headlight, in a principle high beam.

625 cases of pedestrian's accident in the road crossing is here by the fatal accident which occurred in night (at the time ofsunset-at the time of sunrise) last year nationwide according to the National Police Agency, and I say among these that the case by which a vehicle including a motorcycle was a low beam occupied 95 for 597 cases and 5%.

While the irradiation distance of the low beam is about 40 meters according to a prefectural police, a high beam is about 100 meters. On the other hand when making a car run by 60 kilometers per hour, the brake works, and I say the distance until it stops doesn't often notice pedestrian's approach by a low beam by about 44 meters, and that can lead to an important accident.

We assume "An accident will tend to increase to the end of the year now. Driving in night wants you to provide for safe driving based on using a high beam." for Nobuyuki Nakamura deputy of a prefectural police traffic planning section.

On the 23rd, coverage to a prefectural police showed that they died of an accident at 10 in the past for 3 years-5 p.m. by which among 161 people of dead of a traffic accident who got up by the end of December and 37 people who hit nearly 1/4 are called the time of twilight-7:00 in Hyogo-ken. The days become short and the time the environment becomes dark when falls on the time when it increases in the traffic volume for going home, and it's judged as the cause to be easy for an accident to occur. To prevent an accident from happening, when driving a car after sunset, a prefectural police is calling to make the principle headlight a high beam.

Death and the number of seriously wounded persons of the accident which has occurred to 2013-10 in 27-time of twilight in December according to a prefectural police are 426. The number of dead was 161 and 25 people were a pedestrian. A car thinks there was also an accident which could be stopped when the case cut off stood out and a prefectural police ran, when making the pedestrian a high beam.

"A change is troublesome."

Road Traffic Law is prescriptive so that a principle high beam may be used at the time of a run of a car in night. I pass each other with an oncoming car, and we assume that it's changed to a low beam when the preceding car runs through the rear, and when I violate it, a fine for less than 50,000 yen is inflicted. But much, the case which makes a condition car of a low beam run by a reason such as "by a change, troublesomeness" "That the environment may be dazzling, I'm reserved." doesn't permeate use of a high beam.

625 cases of pedestrian's accident in the road crossing is here by the fatal accident which occurred in night (at the time ofsunset-at the time of sunrise) last year nationwide according to the National Police Agency, and I say among these that the case by which a vehicle including a motorcycle was a low beam occupied 95 for 597 cases and 5%.

While the irradiation distance of the low beam is about 40 meters according to a prefectural police, a high beam is about 100 meters. On the other hand when making a car run by 60 kilometers per hour, the brake works, and I say the distance until it stops doesn't often notice pedestrian's approach by a low beam by about 44 meters, and that can lead to an important accident.

We assume "An accident will tend to increase to the end of the year now. Driving in night wants you to provide for safe driving based on using a high beam." for Nobuyuki Nakamura deputy of a prefectural police traffic planning section.

2016.11.24 09:30 sank eight com

晩秋の薄暮時になぜ死亡事故集中? 車ヘッドライトを原則ハイビームに











○ Krikindy says/ 森が火事 になり 、森 の 動物 たちは我 さきと 一目散 に 逃げ出し た。

2016-11-24 03:25:59 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-11-24 03:25:59

2006-10-02 16:13:37 re-up versio.

○ ハチドリの火消し。

There is the small book called " the person drop of the hummingbird " .

The story of the indigenous people of the Andes district of South America .

A forest became the fire , and animals of the forest ran away in I at full speed .

However , only Krikindy of the hummingbird carries water with a small bill and flies desperately to put it out .

When the other animals to see it do something like that , and it is in what , they laugh and pour water into an effort .

However , " I only do that I can do it, right now" Krikindy says

Krikindy hummingbird

◦南米 アンデス 地方 の 先住民 の 話し 。

森が火事 になり 、森 の 動物 たちは我 さきと 一目散 に 逃げ出し た。

ところが 、 ハチドリ の クリ キン ディ だけ はちっちゃい クチバシ で 水 を運び 、消そ うと 必死に 飛ん でいく。

それ を見 たほかの 動物 たちは、そんなことをし て 何 に なる 、 と 笑い 、努力 に水を差す 。

しかし 、 クリ キン ディ は 「 私 は、私 に出来る ことをやっ ているだけ 」

○ They cursed Hitler at all times,//イスラエルはヒトラーよりましと言えるか…トルコ大統領の発言が波紋

2016-11-24 02:52:22 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-11-24 02:52:22 AFP

May it be said that Israel is better than Hitler? … The remark of the President of Turkey is a ripple

November 22, 2016 16:41 Sending place: Istanbul/Turkey.


[November 22 AFP] new tension seems to occur to the relationship between two countries because a question such as President Turkish REJEPU TAIPPU and ERUDOAN (Recep Tayyip Erdogan) were an interview with an Israeli television station on the 21st, and which was cruel, stated "It lacked the validity."

A ERUDOAN president, "I don't allow Hitler to have done, but I don't also allow Israel to have come. The question I ask which is crueler isn't proper for the situation that many people are dead only this.", an idea was indicated.

Israel troops raid on Turkish support ship to Palestine autonomous area Gaza Strip (Gaza Strip) in 2010 for an Israeli relation with Turkey, and a history is aggravated to the worst standard concerning the event of which 10 Turks who got have died. Breaking off continued for 6 years, but it was being even normalized by the original standard recently. But this president's remark is spreading a sensation in the arrowhead to which Turkey appointed a chuu Israeli ambassador newly about 1 week ago.

This isn't for the first time for the one which touched Hitler by a remark of a ERUDOAN president about Israel. Israel stated "I'm living through Hitler's soul and am making them continue." and attacked in case of a support ship assault case. I told an Israeli "There were conscience, honor and pride. They cursed Hitler at all times, it was superior to Hitler in a brutality." by Gaza invasion in 2014 by Israel troops when 2251 people of Palestinian became a victim by UN (UN) estimation again, and if it was "group slaughter" that Israel goes to Palestinian, attacked. (c)AFP

2016-11-24 02:52:22 AFP

2016年11月22日 16:41 発信地:イスタンブール/トルコ


【11月22日 AFP】トルコのレジェプ・タイップ・エルドアン(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)大統領が21日のイスラエルのテレビ局とのインタビューで、ナチス・ドイツ(Nazi)の独裁者アドルフ・ヒトラー(Adolf Hitler)とイスラエルのどちらが残忍かといった質問は「妥当性に欠ける」と述べたために、両国関係に新たな緊張が生じそうだ。


 トルコとイスラエルの関係は2010年、パレスチナ自治区ガザ地区(Gaza Strip)に向かうトルコの支援船をイスラエル軍が急襲し、乗っていたトルコ人10人が死亡した事件をめぐり過去最悪の水準まで悪化。6年にわたって断絶状態が続いたが、最近は元の水準にまで正常化されつつあった。しかし、トルコが約1週間前に新たに駐イスラエル大使を任命した矢先に、今回の大統領の発言が波紋を広げている。
