○ The Fukushima Crisis 57; Far Beyond Chernobyl:Faust's Contract福島危機57ファウストの契約

2011-07-11 01:46:11 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Prof. Kaku

How does Japanese Government think about Pluthermal?ー

Prof. Kaku:

The fast breeder reactor is an article like "Midas Touch" [maidasutacchi] of Greek myths that change all things to touch the hand into gold said that the fuel (plutonium) will be invented more than burning.
However, plutonium is a very toxic chemical, and the diversion to arms is immediately possible. The nuclear weapon might be produced with the plutonium that the hijacker and the terrorist obtained.
Such..dangerous..plutonium..invent..fast breeder reactor..American..say..Faust..contract..call..wisdom..provide.

Faust is a hero of the work of Goethe that sells the satan the soul and obtains the omnipotence.
In a word, the Japanese :.
To obtain the fast breeder reactor where plutonium can be infinitely invented
All Japanese lives were presented to the satan.

The third machine of the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima is using the Mox fuel of plutonium.
This time, a large amount of plutonium of the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima has been detected on the premises.

It has in these danger and Faust 's Contract characters, and the plutonium fuel has not been used for ten years or more in the country, the United States, France, Germany, and Britain other than Japan. People who live in the Japanese Islands how much value are in plutonium, and should not discuss it again?
It is possible to happen.
If it is not possible to escape from a big aftershock, the Japanese should seriously gradually think about the withdrawal from the nuclear power plant. Especially, I think that a permanent stop is immediately good of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant located in the expectation source region of the Tokai earthquake.

The total of the nuclear fuel and the spent nuclear fuel each country's using it is several 100 times in the operation of several ten year in each country in each country of the nuclear power plant operation including Japan. It does in the amount that can ruin the earth and will keep being done for several 100,000 years or more by fear of the nucleus because of the length of the half - life of the nuclear fuel in the future even if the nuclear power plant is stopped in the current state in which has been waited now.
The nuclear power plant might be necessary the possibility of encountering Catastrophe like this the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima from , short-term a viewpoint now.
In a word, the problem of this nuclear power plant connected Faust 's Contract at the stage where each country of the nuclear power plant operation had made the operation decision.

Prof. Kaku

ー日本政府は、Pluthermal をどう考えているか。ー

Prof. Kaku:

高速増殖炉は、燃やした以上に燃料(プルトニウム)を生み出すと言う、まるで手に触れた物すべてを黄金に変えるギリシャ神話の"Midas Touch"マイダスタッチ のような代物です。
そんな危険なプルトニウムを生み出す高速増殖炉を、アメリカ人は、ヤワな Midas Touch とは云わず、Faust's Contract ファウストの契約 と呼んでいること知っていますか。

ファウストは悪魔に魂を売って全能を手に入れた、Goethe の作品の主人公です。


これらの危険性や、Faust's Contract性でもって、日本以外の国、アメリカ、フランス、ドイツやイギリスではプルトニウム燃料は10年以上前から使っていません。日本列島に住む人びとはプルトニウムにどれだけの価値があるか、あらためて議論をすべきではないでしょうか。

今、原発を停止することをは、短期的にみて、今回の福島第一原発のような Catastrophe に遭遇する可能性を減らすためには必要であろう。
つまり、この原発の問題は、原発稼働各国が稼働決定をした段階で、Faust's Contract を結んだことになります。pfk