one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


枯葉の擬態 mimetisme d'un papillon

2006-10-24 06:01:58 | birds, fish and others(生物)

I find a leaf on the ground where they are disolving scaffolds in the rain.
I feel something strange about it.
Yes, it's the first time in my life to find a mimicry of a butterfly.

(東中野五丁目, Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
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ドングリ les glands

2006-10-24 06:00:52 | Plants(植物)

One rainy day a sparow lands on the pavement and road to eat something.
I wonder what it have there. So I walk up the slope to find it is an acorn crashed with the tires of cars.
A woman chief of the diffrent gurd comapany says to me, "There is no chestnut tree. There is a nest of crow on the tree. Crows pick them up at somewhere and bring them back to the nest for their young ones. The parents fall acorns down on the ground to mill them with the tires of cars. They are very clever."

I doubt her, for it is not the season of breeding and too many acorns have perfect shape. I take leaves from the trees around there. I search for acorns in the internet. I learn there are twenty six kinds of trees which have acorns.
With the leaf, I identify it. It is the tree beside the road. It's name is "Matebashii"(= Someday-it-would-become-a-chestnut-tree).

(@東中野五丁目、 Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
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サンマの干物 sconbresoce sale er seche

2006-10-24 05:56:29 | Foods(食)

This year fishermen make large catches of Pacific sauries.
The price of sauries gets cheaper and cheaper.
We can easily fresh sauries economically.
But I prefer the dried sauries to the fresh sauries.

(@東中野, Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
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生姜焼きハンバーグ porc et Hamburger

2006-10-24 05:54:48 | Foods(食)

There is a restaurant, "Onaka-ippai(= I'm full)" at Higashinakano 4-choume.
The Onaka-ippai is famous for it's volume of dishes.
This is a dish of grilled ginger-tasted pork and a hamburger.
If you are about to die for hungry, please go there.

(@おなかいっぱい, 東中野四丁目、Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
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ハナツクバイウツギ abelia

2006-10-24 05:46:35 | Plants(植物)

When I had a camera firstly, I was a highschool student. I have no memory of taking a picture of flower. In my university days, I took a picture of Oiranso in the garden of my lodging. But I cann't afford to develope it those days.
After twelve years I found the undeveloped film and took it to the shop. The colors and shapes had been already almostly lost.
In the atumun of 1985, I bought a single-use camera with only curiosity for new goods. I took pictures around Ichigaya and showed them to my co-workers in the factory. One of them, an ex-photographer, told that the picture of a chrysanthemum was excellent. His praise pushed me to get my camera. I started to work for 108 days without a holiday and with saving enough money to buy a good camera.
Next Spring, I got a train for Nagoya to buy a camera and the owner of the famous discount imported Japanese camera shop recomended a arfa 9000, the top quality camera of the Minolta corporation.
I waited the autumn coming to take pictures of same chrysanthemum and of abelia which I had liked best at the previous year.
So, when autumn returns, I never fail to take pictures of abelia.

(@東中野, Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
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神田川 la Kanda

2006-10-24 05:45:26 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The Kanda river flows from the South to the North around here.
Over the river is the west end of the Shinjuku.

(@東中野一丁目、北新宿三丁目, Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
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