one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Motor Mouth by Janet Evanovich

2011-09-17 21:45:45 | book(本)
HarperCollins, copyright 2006 by Evanovich, Inc
Alexandra “Barney” Barnaby is a race-day spotter of the Sam Hooker. Sam is a NASCAR racing driver. Barney and Sam are belong to the Stiller Racing.
They are in the last race of the season.
The result was not in success. An accident happened and the rival driver, “Spanky” Dicky Bonnano of the 69 Racing won to get the series champion. Barney has thought the 69 car had been too fast and it was cheating, running with illegal technology.
The owner of the 69 is a Mexican, Huevo motor sports. The other spotter Gobble show to Barney that the illegal technology is on the engine with radio remote control. It is the traction control of engine with a tiny chip. He said the chief engineer of the 69 was killed by the brother of the head of the Huevo Motor Sports, Ray Huevo and his killer servants. And now Gobble is the target of them.
After the race, when Barney and Sam was about to go home, Gobble telephoned to her. Gobble could escape from the Huevos to hide in the 69 motor coach. He found he was locked and couldn't open it from inside. He asked Barney to help him. Barney and Sam chased the coach and at a parking lot they stole the coach to drive the safety place.
They opened the door to rescue Gobble and used the occasion to check the 69 racing cars in the coach and inside the car. They found a naked dead man wrapped in a plastic wrap. Gobble identified the body was Oscar Huevo who is the head of the 69.
As they stole the motor coach and the trailer, they couldn't report to the police. So they made up their mind to treat the body and car by themselves. It was the start of the nightmare confusion and funny adventure novel.
They were chased with the killers and the police. They found a chip of killing technology. Ray Huevo threatened to Sam to send back the chip.
At last the bad men captured Sam and requested to Barney to exchange the chip and Sam. But the chip was eaten by the Sam's great hound, Beans. She gave a gallon of poop to them. And Barney, Suzanne ,the widow of Oscar, Felica and Rosa, Barney's friends crept into the mansion where Sam and Gobble were confined.
That's entertainment!
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シオカラトンボ libellule

2011-09-17 21:43:55 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Are there a few place for dragonfly to rest their wing in the town?
I always see many resting on a rusted color stone in the railroad.

I've just found a song of dragonflies sang by Eddi Reader
(西品川二丁目、Nishishinagwa, Shinagawa ward)
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オレンジの影 ombre orange

2011-09-17 21:41:59 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

The orange shadow of the signal lamp shows me the mildness of Autumn evening would come.

(西品川二丁目、Nishishinagwa, Shinagawa ward)
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百日紅 lagerstrœmia

2011-09-17 21:37:57 | Plants(植物)

The long term of the flower of Japanese crepe myrtle is near to its end.
And the Autumn will be complete after the flowers.

(阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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金魚 gateau de poisson

2011-09-17 21:36:30 | cake(ケーキ)

This jelly sweets is called “red golden fish”. It's one of my favorite sweets of Summer.

(鉢の木、阿佐谷南一丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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可否茶館 Kohiisakan le cafe veille

2011-09-17 21:34:04 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

This is the oldest coffee shop in Tokyo. The history is over a century.
In 1888, at Ueno a Chinese-Japanese opened the first coffee shop in Japan.
The price of a cup of coffee was 1 sen 5 rin (0.015 yen and now 450 yen).
And his grand son revived the shop at Asagaya.
But this shop has closed in this August owing to the JR-east's reconstruction program of the Asagaya station.
I've been there for almost thirty five years. I've loved the Japanese peppered coffee with honey.

(可否茶館,阿佐谷北一丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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骨董店の猫 chat du bric-à-brac

2011-09-17 21:29:12 | cats(猫)

This is a sign board of a curio shop. The owner has a beautiful tricolor cat.
I never visit there, because he always keep his cat on a leash. I don't like a cat with leash and hate the such owner. Cats are not things. Cats should be free.

(阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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とうふ屋の鉢 magasin de tofu

2011-09-17 21:27:57 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The wife of the Tofu( Bean-curd) shop loves flowers. She always shows her seasonal flowers in the pots in front of the shop.

(阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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レバーブロック lever-block

2011-09-17 21:14:24 | tools and parts 道具・文具・家具

This is the new category, “tool”. This is a lever block, a tool of rachet chain hoist lift puller.
I love lever block best among the tools in the construction site. For me it shows the meaning of "tough."

(Ummm? Rachet is not an English word? The spell check underlined it....)
(According to the Merriam Webster, rachet is the variant of ratchet.)
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擬ロボット化 métamorphose

2011-09-17 21:12:51 | what?why?(ん?)

A moment when a thing changes into a different thing suddenly comes.
Here a lamp gets into a robot which climbs the scaffolds.

(西品川二丁目、Nishisinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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