one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#116 Les chatignes (栗畑 藤野)

2004-10-22 21:18:15 | Plants(植物)

Among the long shadow of trees with morning sun, there are chestnuts in burs.
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#117 Un cosmos (コスモス)

2004-10-22 21:16:58 | Plants(植物)

At the third year grade of my elementary school, we made a big paper sticking picture. The theme is autumn field. We sticked parts of cosmos on the big and long paper for three hours.
Whenever I look cosmos, I sit down to lower my eyes so that I could see the continuous picture of the cosmos field of my third year grade.
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#118 Un chien jaune (赤犬)

2004-10-22 21:15:49 | dog(犬)

A good dog. Everybody stop walking to see him.
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#119 Un chien faut(犬の置物)

2004-10-22 21:10:44 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

He would not refuse his wear.
T shirt is of "Asagaya Jazz Street" which will be held on 29 and 30 october.
The web cap is for Halloween which will be held on 31 ocotber at Asagaya.
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#120 Champinion (シャンピニオン)

2004-10-22 21:09:53 | cake(ケーキ)

The filling is chicken and mashroom. It tastes creamy.
That evenig I had only enough money to afford it with me.
I was so supprised with the palatableness as to stand still on the pavement of NishiShinjuku.
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#121 Voiture (車LA風)

2004-10-22 21:08:25 | LA

The driver would say, " A car is enough to run."
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#110 La passerelle Imozaka(芋坂跨線橋)

2004-10-21 20:23:38 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

We can see a blue overbridge from the southern end of the platform of Nippori station. At that point, there was once Imozaka(芋坂 potato-slope).
The upper end of slope was a cemtery, Yanakabochi(谷中墓地). The foot of the slope is a dumpling shop, the "Habutae-dango."
On the last day of the Ueno war(the last troop of Edo bakufu(=gouvernment) was beaten by the terrorist army which would be later army of gouvernment), the survives of the troop escaped through the Imozaka slope. Yanaka cemetery was the cemetry of Tokugawa shoguns and retainers.
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#111 Sous le fleur (花びらの陰)

2004-10-21 20:19:43 | Plants(植物)

It is cool morning. Somthing flickers in the corner of my eye.
I watch the flower and find black bugs gathering under the small flowers.
To take photo, I get close the lenz to the flowers. As soon as the lenz touches
the flowers, they start escaping.
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#112 Susuki (薄 藤野駅)

2004-10-21 20:13:16 | Plants(植物)

Japanese panpas grass says "good morning" to passengers on the platform of Hujino(藤野) station.
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#113 Le soir (夕景 藤野駅)

2004-10-21 20:11:53 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The somoke of burnig falling leaves flows around. Japanese panpas grass was lighted with the setting sun.
(@ 藤野駅 the Fjujino Station, Kanagawa prefecture)
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