one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


瞳に写る夏の空 yeux d'objet

2005-07-31 18:06:51 | sky/weather/season

In front of a wall of a house I find this frog with nice big eyes.
On the surfaces of the eyes, the sky of summer glitters.
(@本駒込 Honkomagome, Bunkyo ward)
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夕べの匂い view de la quai

2005-07-31 18:05:40 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I stand on a platform of the Koenji station and smell good.
From beyond the plaza the smell comes.
(@高円寺 Kouenji, Suginami ward)
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カレーライス riz au curry

2005-07-31 18:02:24 | Foods(食)

The price of this curry and rice is only 150 yen.
The taste is not good.
I feel sad for myself who could not stop trying those things.

(@野沢銀座 Nozawa, Setagaya ward)
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シジュウカラの巣 nid de mesange

2005-07-31 18:01:04 | birds, fish and others(生物)

A crow flys to a big tree and kicks out something.
When I walk up to the thing, the crow crys and flys away.
It is a nest of a tit.
Probably the crow wants to have a baby tit in vain and gets so angry as to throw the empty nest away.
(@東が丘 Higasigaoka, Meguro ward)
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カレーパン pain au curry

2005-07-31 17:59:18 | Foods(食)

It is a new kind of bread. It is a kind of curry-bread.
There are many variation of curry-bread.
But I find a curry-bread with red pickles for the first time.
The taste is good, but for me it is too small in quantity.

(@ 阿佐ヶ谷駅、Asagaya, Subinami ward)
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蔦の陰 derriere de feuilles

2005-07-31 17:58:12 | Plants(植物)

Behind the leaves of ivy the season of flower has began.
Nobody see it. But only insects know it.

(@阿佐谷北 Asagaya-kita, Subinami ward)
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お出迎え mere et chat

2005-07-31 17:56:57 | cats(猫)

It is only twenty seconds when he played with me.
The mother comes home. In the tiny brain of the cat, the memory about me is completely deleted.
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シーカヤック kayak

2005-07-31 17:55:21 | LA

Before this sea-kayak, people always stop to look into the water where the tiny fishe are swiming. Behind rowboats tiny fish grow safely.
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冷し中華 Lahmen froid

2005-07-30 22:27:51 | Foods(食)

After a hard work under the Summer sun, I have a light headache and feel dizzy.
I can read no menue but a dish of cold Lahmen. The sourness of tomato and vinegar help me to eat it.
(@河辺町 Kabecho, Oume city, Tokyo)
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百日紅2 lagerstroemia blanc

2005-07-30 22:17:19 | Plants(植物)

The color of T-shirts is white. The color of crape myrtie in front of the Asagaya station is white. When the wind comes to make white flowers tremble, I feel so cool for a while.
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