one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


mercredi 28 octobre 2009: Operation 99-31

2009-10-28 21:44:29 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

In the under fried bread there is curry sauce.
In the upper fried bread , cheese and very very thin ham.
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2009-10-28 21:43:35 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

This stone bank was built in Edo era. The Hama park was designed to enjoy the view of tide waters in the Japanese style park.

(浜離宮、水上バス、隅田川、Boat Ride, Sumida river)
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長い昼寝 la sieste longue

2009-10-28 21:41:15 | cats(猫)

When it starts sleeping, the place is in the sun. But now it keeps sleeping in the cold shadow.

(阿佐谷南三丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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ライム citron vert

2009-10-28 21:38:14 | Plants(植物)

In the small field of the Kamata train yard, limes are ripe. Do the workers enjoy gin' tonic before sleeping?

(蒲田電車区、新蒲田一丁目、Shinkamata, Oota ward)
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鞄の持ち方 generation nouvelle

2009-10-28 21:34:36 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In my school days girls never had their bags like this way.
Even boys seldom did it.

(蒲田本町一丁目、Kamatahoncho, Oota ward)
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mardi 27 octobre 2009: Operation 99-30

2009-10-27 20:27:07 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

I was awakened by the telephone from the control center to order me to go to a site on the Wednesday at two thirty in the afternoon. I get up and go out for very late brunch. No restaurant is opened at that time. I walk around and at last find a curry stand shop is opened.
This curry and rice with pork cutlet is very expensive. The taste of pork is bad, but the taste of sauce is good.

(番紅花、阿佐谷北三丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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浜離宮築地川 quai de Hama parc

2009-10-27 20:25:09 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The boat is progressing into the tsukijigawa canal to the pier of the Hama park.

(水上バス、隅田川、Boat Ride, Sumida river)
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釣桟橋水際 les oies

2009-10-27 20:24:10 | LA

Very tiny fish know well where they can get their food and goose also know well about it. So I can enjoy watching them in the water beside the fishing pier.
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lundi 26 octobre 2009:Operation 99-29

2009-10-27 20:22:48 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

After the four hour's sleeping, I creep out the bed to go for the train watching guard at Itabashi. At the noodle stand near the Itabashi station, I have this curry and rice. I have no memory about the taste of curry. The cold rainy day should break some memory cells in my brain.
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dimanche 25 octobre 2009 : autoroute

2009-10-27 20:18:53 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

Guards are walking on the free way number 5th. We have been off the job at 17:00 and we have been waiting for the car which is picking up us to take to the nearest station. The news of arriving the car at the end of the free way maintenance area which is two kilometers over there.
We gathered together at Komagome on 0:00. And We had to wait in the car till four o'clock to be carried to the freeway. We started to stand on each points at five in the morning. Something wrong in the communication so that my bag ,in which I stored my lunch box and drinking and sweets, was transported to somewhere with the car which is going to be used as a rest place. I have had nothing for twenty six hours.
We got a car to return, but all of the members couldn't use it. I decided to be left for the next car. The next and last car arrived at 23:00 and I could be back home at 0:30 of the October 26.
The longest day in my life is over.
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