one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


八百屋の奥の眠り猫 Chobi, le chat

2012-08-26 21:41:37 | cats(猫)
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Whenever I see him, he always sleeps on a chair in the dark place.
The neighbors call him Chobi, and his true name is Ponko.
When he leaves for lunch, the old vegetable store owner sits here.
I take this picture outside of the store from the street.
My new memo tool, CX6, does great job.

(二葉二丁目、Futaba, Shinagawa ward)
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お地蔵様たち statues de jizo

2012-08-26 21:39:41 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Today is very hot. The temperature is over 35 degree C. A few people walk on the street. But the stone Jizos look very cool.

(四間通地蔵堂、二葉二丁目、Futaba, Shinagawa ward)
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題「盆踊り大会」 la danse de l 'été

2012-08-26 21:38:07 | Plants(植物)

The ikebana artist call her wonderful work, « The Bon-odori festival » (The Summer night dancing party.)

(西大井駅、Nishiooi station, Oota ward)
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水まかにゃ危険 le chaud dangereux

2012-08-26 21:35:23 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The policeman sprinkles road around the police box with water.
Their uniform should change in a couple of days.
And they should put on the safety thick vest during the job time.

(四間通、二葉2丁目、Futaba, Shinagawa ward)
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最近人気です la popularité

2012-08-26 21:32:31 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The chicken meat store, Toriyasu, is very busy. Many people know the taste of fried foods and grilled chicken are the best in Asagaya.
I can't get my favorites sometimes after many clients have already bought all.

(鳥安、阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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仮面サイダー la limonade

2012-08-26 21:30:25 | cake(ケーキ)
I can't stop getting these goods.
The taste is as bad as other ordinary soft drinks. Lolol.

(豊町3丁目、Yutakamachi, Shinagawa ward)
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羽化したばかり papillon jeune

2012-08-26 21:28:16 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The butterfly is a new face and it does the exercise of using wings on the wall.

(豊町3丁目、Yutakamachi, Shinagawa ward)
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そいつを狙ってます il le vise.

2012-08-26 21:23:56 | cats(猫)

And this funky cat is aiming at the young butterfly.

(豊町3丁目、Yutakamachi, Shinagwa ward)
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木洩れ日有楽町 l'ombre du feuillage

2012-08-26 21:22:34 | sky/weather/season
Under the shadow of a tree, a girl takes a rest for a while.
The wind is dead and the hotness is so heavy. But the shadow is so tender.

有楽町、Yurakucho, Chuo ward
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不意の地震に不断の用意 le tremblement

2012-08-26 21:19:06 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
This statue was once put on the memorial monument of the Big Kanto Earthquake.
More than ten thousand of people died in fire.
The sentence can be read , « Earthquake comes suddenly, so always be alert .»

有楽町、Yurakucho, Chuo ward
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