one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


出番はまだか L'année de la chien.

2017-12-31 17:11:04 | dog(犬)

Le 2018 est l'année de la chien. Mais, l'annéee des oiseaux n'est pas passée.
The 2018 is the year of dog. But the Bird Year 2017 doesn't pass, now.

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鉄女鉄翁 Les maniaques

2017-12-31 17:05:29 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
171230008cp9.jpg 220mm f/4.5 1/640 s ISO 100

(阿佐ヶ谷駅、Asagaya station, Suginami ward)
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キラキラの下にご馳走が L'éteincelement

2017-12-31 16:56:24 | birds, fish and others(生物)
171224114cp9.jpg 380mm f5 1/125s ISO 180

Les mouettes n'ont-ils pas les poissons sous l'éteincelement?
Can they find small fish under these glitters?

(新港南橋、Kohnan, Minato ward)
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踊り食い Elle a pris un poisson.

2017-12-30 19:20:36 | birds, fish and others(生物)
171224117cp9.jpg 380mm f/5 1/125s ISO 320
La mouette a pris un poisson petit.
The gull caught a small fish.

(新港南橋、Takahama canal, Kohnan, Minato ward)
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ごっくん水の形 une forme de l'eau

2017-12-29 20:08:05 | what?why?(ん?)
171224125cp9.jpg 1400mm ISO 720 f/6.3 1/125 s

C'est une forme curieuse.
It's a strange shape of water.

(港南新橋、Takahama canal, Konan, Minato ward)
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ボラ Les mulets

2017-12-28 18:59:54 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Combien de mulets y a-t-il?
How many gray mullet are there?

(港南新橋、Kounan, Minato ward)
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Santa Claus Is Coming Into Train

2017-12-24 20:20:44 | sky/weather/season
Merry X'mas 2017 !

Santa Claus Is Coming

In the Yamate railroad line @ December 24, 2017.
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空き地 Le terrain vague

2017-12-08 21:22:51 | site(現場スナップ)

Le terrain libre n'est pas libre.
What does occupy the unoccupied land?

(Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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空 le ciel

2017-12-06 16:59:38 | sky/weather/season

(Yshio, Shinagawa ward)
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