one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


てんてんてんまりてん手毬 satuma en bocaux

2009-05-11 22:14:17 | cake(ケーキ)

This is a whole preserved Arita satsuma(有田蜜柑).
There are half a dozen satsumas in the syrup of a bottle.
It's very sweet and delicious. I like it.
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サツマコル satsumacor

2009-05-11 22:02:47 | cake(ケーキ)

I've freezed a glass with a piece of preserved satsuma.
Now I pour Okinawan rum in it with the syrup.
It's so nice. So so nice.
The name of this drink is Satsumacor.
It's my original drink.
I think it should be better with gin.
I imagine the name would be fine, Bonbei-Sapphire Arita Satsuma Cor.
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温かな朝日 soleil de matin

2009-05-11 22:01:05 | cats(猫)

The morning sunlight of May is too hot.
In the mid of March it's soft and comfortable.

(目白四丁目、Mejiro, Toshima ward)
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ジャガイモ・ピーマン・豚肉の千切り炒め pomme de terre

2009-05-11 21:59:59 | Foods(食)

I envy the cook's gift which can cut potatos like this.
I love this dish best in this restaurant.

(青山一品、要町一丁目、Kanamecho, Toshima ward)
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中野1 peinture murale 1

2009-05-11 21:58:44 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Good job! The make-up style of the girl is a little out of date, but this was a popular style of the Japanese girl a few years ago.

(中野四丁目、Nakano, Nakano ward)
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中野2 peinture murale 2

2009-05-11 21:57:42 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

It's funny. A samurai with glasses have a microphone of karaoke.
I like it.

(中野四丁目、Nakano, Nakano ward)
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セルフレジ la caisse nouvelle

2009-05-11 21:56:03 | what?why?(ん?)

When you buy a few goods, it would be a very useful checkout system.
The Serufu-Reji (clients can acount their shopping goods by themselves )system is very risky, I think. It depends on the honesty of people.

(西友、阿佐谷北一丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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犬石 tete du chien

2009-05-11 21:54:42 | dog(犬)

What a lucky one found this stone and a nice painter he/she is!

(目白四丁目、Mejiro, Toshima ward)
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滑川河口 peche

2009-05-11 21:53:25 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)

I watch these fisher-boys for a while to assume they can get no fish.
There are lots of tiny and small fish in the Namekawa river.

(鎌倉、Kamakura, Kanagawa prefecture)
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由比ガ浜 Yuigahama plage

2009-05-11 21:51:58 | views except Tokyo(羇旅)

More than twenty of black-eared kites are flying around above the Yuigahama beach to search for their foods. If this young couple sit on the sands, three or four of them start flying around with watching if they would eat anything or not.
What if they try to have a sandwich or so, the birds would dive swiftly to the humanbeings for the foods. The young couple get astonished with the violent wind passing by them so much not to know when their nouriture vanishes.

(鎌倉、Kamakura, Kanagawa prefecture)
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