one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


秋空透かし feuilles ronge par des vers

2006-10-01 10:03:38 | sky/weather/season

The long hot Summer is good for catapilars and bad for leaves.
The leaves have lots of holes before turning the colors.
Through the holes, I can see the high and blue Autumn sky.
(@神田川, Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
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ヒマラヤスギも秋の朝 le pin d'Himalaya

2006-10-01 10:01:15 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In an autumn morning, the green of Himalayan pine becomes more beautiful.
The owner of the building loves these Himalayan pines very much.
But he is afraid if it should be blown down by violent wind caused with skyscrapers and typhoon.
(@東中野五丁目, Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
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太刀魚の塩焼き ceinture d'argent grille

2006-10-01 09:52:29 | Foods(食)

The grilled scabbard fish tastes very light. I prefer drinking beer with it to eating rice with it.

(@阿佐谷南, Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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強風巻き上げ vint violent

2006-10-01 09:50:51 | sky/weather/season

Like sailing crew in the storm, the construction workers are very busy rolling up the protection sheats for the violent wind which is caused with a typhoon on the far-away-southern sea.
(@ 東中野五丁目, Higashinakanko, Nakano ward)
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寿司ランチ lunch de Sushi

2006-10-01 09:49:11 | Foods(食)

As this Monday is a holiday, many restaurants are close. At last I find a sushi restaurant open. The price is more than double of the ordinal lunch price. The taste is good.
(@東中野四丁目,Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
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