one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


桃のケーキ gateau de peche

2007-07-29 16:57:47 | cake(ケーキ)

If you want to take out a cake for your home, I recomend you the type of cake with a hard cup. For example the cake of peach and cheese is very portable.

(@ぶどうの木、阿佐谷南、Asagayamniami, Suginami ward)
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ミートローフ meatloaf

2007-07-29 16:57:03 | Foods(食)

According with Diana Rattley;

Meatloaf has long been a standard main dish in America, and according to John Mariani in "Encyclopedia of American Food And Drink," was first seen in print as early as 1899. For many, meat loaf is an ultimate comfort food, bringing back pleasant childhood memories of family meals.

Like a hamberger for Japanese kids, meatloaf is a taste of "mother".

(@丸の内一丁目、Marunouchi, Chiyoda ward)
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爪は立つまい aiguisement

2007-07-29 16:55:39 | cats(猫)

Is the concrete plate too hard to whet your clows?

(@東京駅、Tokyo station, Marunouchi, Chiyoda ward)
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東京ビル decor

2007-07-29 16:54:52 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The Tokyo Building is not a sight viewing spot. I can't explain why they exhibit these ornerments.

(@東京ビル、Marunouchi, Chiyoda ward)
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バットバットバッツ chauves-souris

2007-07-29 16:54:04 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

How many bats are there?

(@東京ビル、Marunouchi, Chiyoda ward)
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阿佐ヶ谷七夕準備 Tanabata 01

2007-07-29 16:53:21 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

They begin the making of tanabata ornerments.
The Asagaya tanabata festival of this year will be held from August 4 to 9.

(@Cobu, パールセンター、阿佐谷南、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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チキンかりー curry du poulet

2007-07-28 07:32:20 | Foods(食)

With only five minutes walk for west and east from the Asagayastation, there are a few shops and restaurants. At the end of the west side of the area, there are three shops. The Calcutta Cafe is there.

(@Calcutta cafe, 阿佐谷南3丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward )
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タブソルト sel

2007-07-28 07:31:34 | site(現場スナップ)

For heatstroke, they prepare tubs of salt tabs at the resting place in many construction site.

(@東京駅、Tokyo station, Marunouchi, Chiyoda ward)
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野良猫派宣言 partisan de chats libres

2007-07-28 07:30:39 | cats(猫)

Everybody is allowed to feed free cats at the Tokyo station, but in the resting room of the electric workers I find a pack of cat food.

(@東京駅、Tokyo station, Marunouchi, Chiyoda ward)
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木製ちりとり pelle a poussiere

2007-07-28 07:29:53 | what?why?(ん?)

Artisans make their tool by themself. One of electric workers makes the dustpan.

(@東京駅、Tokyo station, Marunouchi, Chiyoda ward)
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