one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


風の贈り物 present de vent

2005-04-23 22:51:38 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

On the table which I occupy, strong wind delivers a tiny spray.
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阿佐ヶ谷にようこそ invitation a Asagaya

2005-04-23 22:50:38 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

Come to the Asagaya to walk along the zelcova trees street.
This week the buds of zelcova trees fall like rain.
It would be agreable time when you sit a chair beside the pavement.
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シキミ fleur de plant pour le bouddhisme

2005-04-23 22:48:58 | Plants(植物)

In front of a wall paper shop there are lots of plants in pots.
I found white flowers that I don't know its name.
I ask the name to the bald head storekeeper.
The aged man says, "This is that we offer before the tablet of deceased."
I find a name,"Sakaki? But it seems not."
The old man laughs and says, " It's a staranise, not sakakis.
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椋鳥 etourneau

2005-04-23 22:46:28 | birds, fish and others(生物)

A grey starling's head appears from a gable vent of a house in Daita 2-chome (代田2丁目).
A few minutes later it flys out onto a branch of trees standing near.
A few second later another one's head appears and flys to the same branch of the tree. The half destroyed vent shoud be their nest.
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交尾 acouplement

2005-04-23 22:45:10 | birds, fish and others(生物)

These days more and more small insects fly around me.
I am standing for watch infront of the gate of construction site.
On the surface of the gate I find a mating of tiny creatures.
Their size is only a few milimeters.
I surprise to find the diferences in shape between the couple.
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アカンベエ face de fer

2005-04-23 22:43:52 | what?why?(ん?)

This pulley and hook looks like a masked man who mocks with showing his tongue, dosen't it?
This should be surely a Tetsumenpi (鉄面皮 = brazenface), shouldn't this?
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赤い車 voiture rouge

2005-04-23 22:42:39 | LA

It seems only a few people could afford an expensive car like this.
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青葉 feuilles vertes

2005-04-22 20:25:20 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

It is too fine to take pictures of flowers today. I look up the green leaves of tall trees and make up my mind taking pictures of these strong green color.
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躑躅 azale rouge

2005-04-22 20:23:05 | Plants(植物)

Whenever I see this flower, I always remember the lips of Marilyn Monrow
drawn by Andy Warhaol.
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満天星 azale de lanterne

2005-04-22 20:21:12 | Plants(植物)

For a long time I had been believed this flower's name is andromeda.
The true name of this flower is Enkianthus perulatus.
The Japanese name is Dohdan-tsutuji.
Andromeda's japanese name is asebi or asibi.

I learned the latter name in a mystery when I was twelve years old.
A criminal throws these nuts into a miso supe to kill the victims in vain.
The detective named Heiji of Coins (銭形平次) is reported a beautiful little daughter of victim couple playing with this flower. He says to his agent, "If a horse would eat this plant, it should be killed with the poison of this plant. If the horse could survive, it could not walk like a man who have drunken too much. So it is called Drunken Horse tree(馬酔木) ."
In my mother's garden, there is no andromeda.
I think she would have been feared for me to eat it.
In my childhood, I always tasted anything which I got in the garden.
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