one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


呪い La malèduction.

2024-06-02 10:45:30 | book(本)
The curse.

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10年前、サラ・パレツキィ Sara Paretsky Total recall, il y a dix ans.

2024-02-01 20:58:23 | book(本)
A Sara Paretsky, ten years ago.

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一昨年、カンカンの源流 L’origine du Kankan, il y a deux ans.

2023-11-08 18:12:38 | book(本)
The origin of the Kankan, two years ago.



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一昨年、日課歩荷引越し中 Une chambre novelle, il y a deux ans.

2023-08-22 19:27:46 | book(本)
Books in the corner of the new room. Two years ago.
(阿佐谷南、AsagayaMinami, Suginami ward)

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去年、上田早夕里「破滅の王」 Un petit déjeuner il y a un an.

2023-06-20 23:05:29 | book(本)
A lunch, last year.

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10年前、「屍肉(しかばね)」 Les viandes rotis il y a dix ans.

2023-05-22 20:06:33 | book(本)
The paperbook ," Corpse" ten years ago.

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2021-12-24 19:58:40 | book(本)
211222042rx6.jpg ISO 250 24mm f 2.8 1/30s

Avez-vous lu «Penssées» (Marc Aurèle) et «Ne dite pas que c'est un mistère» (Yumi Tamura)?
Did you read ”Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius and "Never say it's a mystery" by Yumi Tamura (田村由美)?
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Kaleidoscope by Dorothy Gilman

2013-12-31 23:52:45 | book(本)

Kaleidoscope by Dorothy Gilman, Ballantine Books, 2002 525 yen
The story opens :
Madame Karitska, lives in the shabby brownstone on English Eighth Street, gave only a cursory glance at the sign in the first-floor window that read MADAME KARITSKA, READINGS.
Madame Karitska has a gift of clairvoyance and psychometry. She live in the English street of Trafton.

Where is Trafton? I searched in Wikipedia : Trafton is a small unincorporated community located in Snohomish County, Washington. It is located near the city of Arlington, and although many things is the area are named Trafton ( such as Trafton Elementary and Trafton Cemetery), most residents consider themselves residents of Arlington.........
Umm, this is not the Trafton! I can't find the railroad around the Trafton, Washington. Wao! I misread the street name. It's not English street. It's Eighth Street. I can't find Trafton in real USA.

Many people in troubles visit to her to get an advise. Her psychometry can be appeared by touching the object which is belong to the person. When she touches the thing, the view of the past and future come into her mind and she advice what she thinks to make her client step into the better life. The client pay her money which the client values the advice. Almost of her clients are poor. So she usually gets not so big money.
The Detective Lieutenant Pruden is her friend and visits her everyday to enjoy tea time. He believes in her psychometry. Sometimes he needs her advice and sometimes she tells him what she worries about her clients.
And one day she meets a person who is a friend of her ex-husband in Europe. He is a jewel merchant. He ask her to keep his bag until he'll back to Trafton.
She touches the bag and sees the vision to advice him to take care of the bad incident in the near future. And the friend of her ex-husband can't be back. Somebody kills him in NY.
In Trafton, the police annoys two cases, a cult group and the drug dealing. Like a relation of Madame Karitska and Lieutenant Pruden, the incidents in Trafton and the murder of jewel merchant get combined.

I think in the mystery, the using psychometry is not fair to the reader. But about this clairvoyance mystery, the adventure with Madame Karitska is an entertaining experience fantastically. At the last page You should thank her to say see you again with lots of happiness.
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By A Spider's Thread by Laura Lippman

2013-12-22 10:47:30 | book(本)

By A Spider's Thread by Laura Lippman, 2004. Avon Books.

Private investigator Tess Monaghan uses the inter net women PI network, SnoopSisters. She wrote :
Dear S-Sisters,I have scanned three photos into the shared files, part of a missing-persons case. To say that the information is sketchy would be generous. Natalie Rubin, nee Peters, disappeared three weeks ago with three children----a boy, Isac, 9, and boy-girl twins, Efraim and Penina, 5. Police have ruled out foul play, but husband insists he never saw it coming and thinks ---- hopes----her flight may have actually been done for his benefit. What's the emotion for skepticism? I'll enter DOBs for all four into the shared files. No known aliases. No known anything, really. Assumption is they're traveling together, but who knows?
Anyone here know much about Orthodox Judaism? I'm curious because my client----Modern Orthodox, not Hasidic ---- refused to shake my hand. I knew, but forgot, about the prohibition against men touching women who are not their wives. Still, shouldn't the religion have evolved beyond this concept by now? What's the point in this day and age?


The suspense of chasing the mother and three children with Tess is so exciting.
But I am interesting much with the messages of the women PIs who found and chased the wife and children who are traveling around the one third area of USA. The SnoopSisters is as it were a virtual kaffeeklatsch , Lippman explains.
I don't know the word kaffeeklatsch. So I search it with Merram Webster.
Definition : an informal social gathering for coffee and conversation.
Origin : German, from Kaffee coffee + Klatsch gossip
First Known Use : 1888

If you have a chance to find this book, please get and read this suspense detective .
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リバタリアンの教科書AYN RAND The Fountainhead

2013-10-16 09:53:33 | book(本)

This is a love story, wrote I at the blank of the last page, 694th page, when I finished reading this thick paper book like a brick. They say this is a bible of Objectivism believers.
The main story is simple. Once upon a time there lived a very stubborn genius architect young man who had been hardly accepted in the world of architecture in the U.S.A. in the 1950s. His name was Haward Roark. He wouldn't compromise with other people or clients only about his design. He never admitted any change to his original design. At last he bombed a building which was built by a famous young architect who made a promise not to change Roak's design at all.
But the young architect couldn't stop changing the design with other famous co-designers. So Roark blew it up. And Rork got a innocent verdict.
The side story is a love story of a young beautiful rich talented woman. Her name is Dominique. She met Haward in his hard days when he had had no job as an architect and worked as a worker in a quarry. One night she was raped in her bed room by Rark who broke into her house. And she fell into love with him....

I've never read such a bad fiction like the Fountainhead. I can't understand the way of living and mind of the characters. But....but chasing the life of Dominique and the relation for Haward is so interesting that I read this terrible fiction through the last page...lololol.
I can't admit that Eyn Land wrote that Howard Roark is the man as man should be.
But this Dominique spelled on me. Lol.
I repeat to say that this novel is terribly dull , awfully flat and desperately long. And especially the book is deadly heavy for a hand in the train.
But I should admit to say that the character of Dominique is very charming. The charm is just the same thing as a Japanese adjective, « Tsundere ». At first she is a so cold colder coldest one with an angel face and body, but at last she turns to be so warm warmer lover and wife.
I bought Ayn Rand's another novel « Atlas Shrugged » with this Dominique's love story. Without reading it, I think this would be duller and flatter than The Fountainhead. Would the day come when I want to start to flip the first page?
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