one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ばあちゃんの指 trois doigts de vieille

2012-07-16 22:23:30 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At the crossing, an old lady stops to wait the train passing with holding herself with her beautiful three fingers.

(品鶴線下村踏切、二葉三丁目、Futaba, Shinagawa ward)
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かまわんといて Ne me derangez pas.

2012-07-16 22:22:40 | cats(猫)

The cat is very sleepy. He knows I am standing here, but wouldn't open his eyes. So I take only one shot to leave him alone.

(阿佐谷北2丁目、 Asagyakita, Suginami eard)
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天もり nouilles avec des tempuras

2012-07-16 22:19:59 | Foods(食)

When I want to have buckwheat noodle, I know my health condition is not very good. This day I'm not in so bad condition. So I order it with a dish of tenpura.
(東、阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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Norahの新譜 Norah Jones

2012-07-16 22:17:16 | music 音楽

I love listening Norah Jones singing. It's a sort of soft medicine for me.
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雨の夕暮れ un soir il pleut

2012-07-16 22:16:30 | sky/weather/season

The evening rain in the late spring is a little cold.
The evening rain in the rainy season is not cool.
But the evening rain in the picture is always cool and hot.

(阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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梅雨も楽しい Joie de la pluie

2012-07-16 22:11:09 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

When I watch the children with colorful umbrella in the rain, I get so happy to start dancing like Gene Kelly.

When I was a child like these angels, I love this song : The cascades.

下村踏切、二葉三丁目、Futaba, Shinagawa ward
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ぼくも欲しい Je le veux

2012-07-16 22:09:56 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

Raspberry P Type B, Components.

I want to get it.
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2012-07-16 22:08:41 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

One of my co-workers asks me about his PC trouble. When he boots the Window, it freezes. He knows well he need to re-install of the windows. But he don't want to lose his past data in the hard-disk.
So I download the Ubuntus into the USB memory and will boot his machine with this USB memory.
I test the booting of the Ubuntus with the USB memory. No problem!
But the problem is that both I and he are so so busy. He works 10 or 11 shifts in a week. I had no Sunday in the last June. The 8 G memory sleeps in my bag.
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震えるカメラ l'appareil irritant

2012-07-16 22:03:03 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

I thought the TX-5 got broken :
It starts vibration when I push the power switch button and wouldn't stop.
I've read about the vibrating trouble with Sonny products. And the Sonny wouldn't admit their productive responsibility in Japan. Outside of Japan, Sonny exchanges the new one for the wrong one in free. But in Japan, they insists the onerous exchanging.
The attitude of Sonny for the customer's claim or inquiry is the worst in Japan. (I've accustomed to the kindest service center of Ricoh and never want to telephone or speak with the Sonny person. To buy Sonny likes to lend money to somebody. You can't rely on your debtor.) Sonny is the good-luck business company, I think.
So I almost give up this camera. I have other cameras of Ricoh.
We have many good camera makers but Sonny in Japan.
I miss the Minolta as a camera maker.
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ハンマーカメラ l'appareil tres fort

2012-07-16 22:00:23 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

The TX-5 is a camera of anti-shock system. It'll be all right even when one drops it from the height of one and half meter. In a website, somebody writes that if the TX-5 starts vibrating, it would be very effective to hit your desk with this camera like using a hammer.
So I tried it. It's a wonderful way to take my spite out.
I hit my desk with the TX-5 fifteen times.
The vibration stops!
I push the shutter button.
It's completely OK.
The writer of the web site is right. I thank him so so so so so so much.
There is no damage on the camera.
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