one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


甘い桜 fleur douce

2011-04-16 21:58:10 | cake(ケーキ)

Sweetness is a happiness. This cherry flower is sweeter than the real one.

(栄太楼、阿佐谷南一丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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八重桜満開 pleine floraison

2011-04-16 21:56:30 | Plants(植物)

It has passed eight years when I firstly saw these cherry blossoms.
Around these trees, the town has been rebuilt and I lose my way.

(大井一丁目、Ooi, Shinagawa ward)
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なんでもおなじさ affiches d'élection

2011-04-16 21:55:06 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

On the wall of a coffee shop, there are two communist party election bills, two international cult's politic department, one Japanese democrat party and one new cult party.
The coffee is good and the dish of pasta lunch is good, but the price is a little expensive.

(Jurian, 西品川三丁目、 Nishisinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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若い足長親父 jambes longs

2011-04-16 21:53:28 | site(現場スナップ)

The worker long legs has children and wife. He is one hundred ninety eight centimeter tall. Only he can sit here on the sandbags.

(二葉三丁目、 Futaba, Shinagawa ward)
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ふぐふぐふぐ aquarium

2011-04-16 21:48:29 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Swellfish chat in the show window tank of a restaurant.

Fugu 1: “In the Edo era, the area around this tank was under the sea water, they say.”
Fugu 2: “In the near future, the area around this tank would be under the sea water because of the Global Warming, they say. ”
Fugu 3: “Is the near future tomorrow? After fifty years? ”

(芝四丁目、 Shiba, Minato ward)
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ガラス箱入り boîte de verre

2011-04-16 21:47:29 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The shrine in a glass house is very strange view for me. Would the glass wall stop the power of the deity?
This place was one of the beaches of Edo and at those time, they held a big fish market.
On 1703 the Richter scale 8.1 earthquake near the cape Nojima of Chiba caused a 1-3 meters tunami to the water fronts of Edo. (In the Rikugi park of Bunkyo ward, all of the pine trees died owing to the salt water) It's recorded as the Genroku big earthquake and tunami.
(This earthquake rose the land between the Nojima island and Honshu island to bridge them. Now, it is the Cape Nojima.)
Almost of the old shrines in this area are built on the higher place from the sea level. This one is almost the same as the sea level. I think this one was built at least the fifty years after the Genroku tunami.

(水守稲荷大明神、芝四丁目、Shiba, Minato ward)
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ぬくぬく bain de soleil

2011-04-16 21:46:21 | cats(猫)

The cat is falling to sleep in the sun bath.

(亀塚公園、三田四丁目、Mita, Minato ward)
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揺れ蛙 appareils séismiques

2011-04-16 21:44:33 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

Wao! here comes an earthquake again! My quaking iron frog shakes, shakes. Terrible, terrible.

(阿佐ヶ谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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広島牡蠣弁当 l'huître

2011-04-16 21:43:33 | Foods(食)

This oyster train lunch box from Hiroshima is great! I miss it, now.

(東京駅、 Tokyo station, Chuo ward)
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塔が三本 trois tours

2011-04-16 21:42:26 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

On the Shinkansen railroad bridge near the Nishiooi station, I find the Yokohama Landmark Tower( left), the Marine Tower (center) and the unknown temple pagoda tower (right).

(新幹線鉄道橋から横浜方面、Shinagawa ward)
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