one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ニョロニョロのお花見ゼリー hattifnattar

2008-04-11 22:08:45 | cake(ケーキ)

I eat a hattifattener. The electric shock doesn't happen on my tongue.

(@Moomin, 後楽一丁目、Koraku, Bunkyo ward)
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花びらの境内 enceinte

2008-04-11 22:08:00 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Nobody comes here.
I'll never be able to visit here.

(@千駄木五丁目、Sendagi, Bunkyo ward)
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ビー球の隠し場 la bille de verre

2008-04-11 22:07:08 | what?why?(ん?)

Somebody lay the glass marble on the fork of an old cherry tree.

(@駒込天祖神社、本駒込三丁目、Honkomagome, Bunkyo ward)
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花びらの吹き溜まり petales

2008-04-11 22:06:27 | Plants(植物)

Like virgin snow, the petals are waiting for a girl who wants to play with them.
An old fellow should take a picture and leave here without a touch of them.

(@駒込天祖神社、本駒込三丁目、Honkomagome, Bunkyo ward)
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富士登山は疲れます petite fille fatiguee

2008-04-11 22:05:35 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

This small girl can manage to climb up one of the miniatures of Mt. Fuji.
She goes back home with his father with kicking the petals of cherry flowers.

(@駒込天祖神社、本駒込三丁目、Honkomagome, Bunkyo ward)
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後楽園の歩道 la pave

2008-04-11 22:04:40 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

To where are they running? There are many amusement parks or places in Tokyo.

(@Moomin, 後楽一丁目、Koraku, Bunkyo ward)
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雨 pluie

2008-04-11 22:03:52 | sky/weather/season

The April rain washes the petals on the ground and sticks them on the gate piers.

(@立教大学、西池袋三丁目、Nishiikebukuro, Toshima ward)
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傘越し parapluie

2008-04-11 22:03:08 | sky/weather/season

It rains hardly in the morning.

(@立教大学、西池袋三丁目、Nishiikebukuro, Toshima ward)
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満開 vue de fleurs a la gare

2008-04-11 22:02:11 | Plants(植物)

The best view point among the platfroms of stations in Tokyo is here, the Yotsuya station.

(@四ッ谷駅、Yotsuya station, Chiyoda ward)
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花雨散歩 dans la pluie

2008-04-02 22:51:59 | cats(猫)

The old wife of a vegitable shop cries to her cat, "Don't go! Wait! Come back! You hate of your legs be wet, aren't you? You are a fool cat! Your hair of belly will be wet! "
A woman who takes a walk with her husband cries, "Oh! What a big fat cat it is!"

(@長崎1丁目、Nagasaki, Toshima ward)
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