one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


季違い餅つき le pilage du riz

2013-08-19 00:41:57 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

They make mochi-cake in the mid of the hottest noon.
The pounding rice is to be done in the last week of the December traditionally.
But a boy says to his mother, « Mother, I want a piece of hot mochi with soy sauce! »
I love mochi-cake, but in the heat of 38 degree C it's the last food I want.
(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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暑いでしょ Uchiwa, un éventail plat

2013-08-19 00:41:01 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The mother use uchiwa, non-folding fan, to cool her daughters having ice pop.
(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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がんばって観てるもん le pensement pour froid

2013-08-19 00:40:12 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

Mom gets cooling plaster for her daughters.

(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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飲まなきゃやってられないわ très très chaud

2013-08-19 00:39:29 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

I can't stand without cold drink!

(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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アイスノンかかえて婆ちゃん守り la chaise roulante

2013-08-19 00:38:31 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

A girl escorts her grand mother on the wheel chair with a frozen cooling item.

(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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暑苦しいぜ le fantom du portable

2013-08-19 00:31:34 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

Do you want to see the face under the veil?
Once phantoms or ghosts appeared from a well or tomb stones.
Now those appear from displays of mobile phones or TVs.

----Hello? Is this you?
----Hello. Who is this speaking?
----It's me. I'll be with you soon, my son, with your mom, your grand dad, grand mom,great grand dad.....
----Oh, you don't use cows of egg plant or horses of cucumber?
----No. Now we can use this electric wave.
(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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子どもは元気だが le poids des pieds

2013-08-19 00:30:07 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)
The son and daughter are so cheerfully but the others of the family have so heavy legs.

(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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投網みたいなドレス un épervier

2013-08-19 00:23:50 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

Her dress looks like the fishing net that is one of the seven Tanabata paper ornaments.

(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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こどもはこういうのが好き Ce qu'ils aiment.

2013-08-19 00:22:57 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

Children love such a thing.
And cats do so, too.

(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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あんなところに Là.

2013-08-19 00:22:00 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

For what dose it work?

(パールセンター、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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