one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ミルクスタンド lait chaud

2006-01-15 15:19:55 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I miss a milk stand at many stations. When it is cold or windy, I want to have a warmed bottle of milk. I know there rests a milk stand in the Akihabara station. Only to drink it, I sometimes circumambulate
(I learned this word in a novel of Fredric Brown)
to the Akihabara station.

@秋葉原駅 Akihabara station
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富士は歩く Mont Fuji marche

2006-01-15 15:16:46 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At the smoking area on the platform of the Nishiurawastation, an old man said to me, " We could see Mt. Fuji more often about twenty years ago."
I asked him to what direction you saw it. He replied it used to be seen in the center of the railroad. A woman who listened us with enjoy smoking said, " I think in my childhood it was there just at the building which now stands at the left of Mt. Fuji. Mt. Fuji can walk! Do you think so?"

@Nishiurawa station
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富士の大きさ grandeur du mont

2006-01-15 15:15:34 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Mt. Fuji's shape would be always the biggest one when I watch it at the first time.
After watching it for a while, it gets smaller.
From the platform of the Nishiurawa station, at this poin it seems to me I could see the biggest Mt. Fuji.

@Nishiurawa station
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ゴエン piece de 5 yen

2006-01-15 15:14:01 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

A frog bites a piece of five yen coin at the counter of a pasta shop.
The Japanese pronounciation of "5 yen" is the same as of "relation".
And the pronouncieation of "frog" is the same as of "return".
So the solution of this riddle : May you be back again!
I remember a proberb, too: The end of money is the end of love.
(If you want to say this in riddle, you make a frog bite a 10 yen coin.)
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サワーディの窓際 fenetre de thai restaurant

2006-01-15 15:12:45 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

There is a Thai restaruant in Asagaya.
I like the view at this table.

@Asagayakita, Suginami ward
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牛筋麺&バジルライス nouille de tendon

2006-01-15 15:11:15 | Foods(食)

At a Thai restaurant, I always order the beef tendon noodle.
This is one of my favorite dishes.
This night I add a plate of basil rice.
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豆乳浅蜊ラーメン lahmen d'asari et du lait de soja

2006-01-15 15:10:13 | Foods(食)

This soupe is like a clam chowder, but it is thinner owing to the soy milk.
The taste is good, but I get feel hungry one hour later.
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ここはうちの席 chat ne marche pas

2006-01-15 15:08:31 | cats(猫)

At a lahmen restaurant, this cat will not move from her place.
The wife of cook picks him up and sets her in a carton box.

@阿佐谷北 Asagayakita, Suginami ward
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海岸段丘上の家 maisons sur hauteur

2006-01-15 15:06:51 | LA

Ten minutes bicycling takes me from the condominium of Torrance city to the border of the Redond Beach city. After a hard pedaling I reached the top of slope of the costal terrace. There is many beautiful houses on the hill.
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2006-01-15 15:05:31 | book(本)

I have a book titled "The New York Publick Library Student's Desk Reference : The ultimate guide with answers to common questions on homework, hobbies and more"

According to this student's desk reference, in 1949 Mao Tse-tung's communists gain control of China; Nationalist Chinese move government to Taiwan; South Africa establishes apartheid policy; Germany is divided into East Germanay and West Germany; North Atlantic Treaty Organizaiton(NATO) is formed.
In 1950 North Korean troops invade South Korea; Joseph R. McCarthy, U.S. senator, gains national fame by charging that communists have infiltrated the federal government; President Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb; the United States sends 35 military advisers and agrees to give military and economic aid to South Vietnam.
In 1951 Chinese communists occupy Tibet; The americans Julius and Ehel Rosenberg and Morton Sobel are convicted of spying for the soviets; the Mattachine society, an early gay rights organization, is formed in California; atomic energy is first used to generate electricity in the United States; Korean cease-fire talks begin.

And the 1951 is the year of the publication of The Illustrated Man.
This is the novel about a man who has illustrations on the surface of his body like the illustration of the paper book in the picture.
A walking taraveller meets the illustrated man near Wisconsin in early September. Two men enjoy conversation in front of the bonfire and lie on the ground to sleep. The traveller can not stop watching the illustrations of the illustrated man. A illustration starts moving and the traveller can hear the charactors in the picutre speaking and moving. When one story of a illustration ends, another story of illustration begins. It is the tales of human history from the past to the future. People in the motion tatoo pictures live and die on the earth, on the Mars, on the the atomic war or political conflict or space adventure.
At dawn the traveller sees the last story in which the illustrated man is about to choke him to death. Before the end of the story the traveller starts to run down on the road to the real world.

From 1949 to 1951, SF writers become aware of the destination :
After the victory of the America in the second world war with atomic weapon, America steps into the hell of science developement which would end only in the catstrophy of whole of the world.
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