one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


etang de nuit(池と紅葉の夜)

2004-11-28 17:13:20 | Plants(植物)

When you take pictures in the darkness of night, you should use a tripod.
As I went to the Rikugien after day job, I had no tripod.
I lay my camera on the top of a post of pond edge.
I used a two seconds self-timer shutter.
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Noel 2004-06 (旅行社のクリスマス飾り)

2004-11-28 17:12:06 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

It is fun to watch one by one. I suprise the variety of ornament.
(@ 銀座 Ginza)
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les voies ferree(朝霧中央線)

2004-11-28 17:10:22 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The view from the edge of the platform for Shinjuku is the one of my favorite view of Asagaya.
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matin au gare(朝の東京駅)

2004-11-28 17:07:48 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The train is wating for start. Early in the morning there is a few passengers.
(@東京駅 The Tokyo Station)
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escalator de matin (朝のエスカレーター)

2004-11-28 17:06:55 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

It is before 7 o'clock in the morning. After the 7 o'clock, almost of passengers hurry and they run down this narrow moving way. But now we stand still and are transported with the slow moving.
(@ 東京駅 The Tokyo Station)
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Tonkatu (ロースカツ定食)

2004-11-28 17:05:56 | Foods(食)

The deliciousness is not always in the thickness of meat.
But this pork is thick and soft and juicy.
The surface of coating is well fried and sounds well when I bite it.
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sel et poivre (塩と胡椒)

2004-11-28 17:04:53 | Foods(食)

Why they put the pepper and the salt in the ash tray?
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camion guimbarde(アメリカンボロ車)

2004-11-28 17:03:39 | LA

Oh, a truck should be enough to run!
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#201 jardin de nuit 2(紅葉照明六義園)

2004-11-27 20:59:08 | Plants(植物)

An old man in a noodle place says, " The night open-garden of the Rikugien is always typical officialism. In spring they light up cherry buds and close the opening when it blooms. In autumn they light up the trees most of them are green and end the opening before the trees turn red and yellow. You should come again on the first Sunday of December. During the day you would surely taken good pictures. "
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#202 Noel 2004-05(ルイビトンのX-mas)

2004-11-27 20:57:45 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I like better this Christmas ornament than those of any other company or shops in Ginza(銀座). I don't like the products of Luis Vuitton but this artistic sense is excellent.
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