one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


とりあえず一枚 mon appareil nouveau

2014-11-30 10:22:40 | tools and parts 道具・文具・家具

I got a new camera. Sony Dimage RX100m2 has an 1" CMOS sensor and a zoom lens (28mm-100mmat 35mm equivalent).
When I bought it, I gave it up to use this zoom as a telescopic one. But I soon found this camera could use a good telescope for its excellent resolution. This picture is trimmed the 17% of the original one( 5472 * 3648 *24b jpeg, 7.9MB) for my train watch job manual documentation. The first crossing in the picture is at 100 meters and the next is at about 400 meters. The weight of the camera is only 240g. The size is so small that I could have it in my pocket on my breast.

Like other goods of the Sony, this has a trouble. On the forth day, I had a trouble at charging battery. I connected the camera and the charging accessory. But it couldn't start charging. On the first day, it could.
Something wrong at the camera or at the cable or at the accessory or at the battery.
I deadly know it's absolutely useless to telephone to the Sonny customer service. Sony is the typical good luck business company. I must find the resolution by myself...lolol.
Firstly I went to the Yurakucho Big Camera to get the new battery and charging accessory. The seller said, " I'm sorry to say we have no stock. Sony does so. Sony told us to deliver the battery and charger on the next January." Wao! This is the Sony!
At last I went to the Ogikubo Sakuraya. They had only a charger, but no battery. They confessed that they were announced the battery would be produced in the next Spring. Wo-o-o-oh! They advised me regretfully to send the camera and accessory to Sony for mending. I refused it. I cried, " I don't believe that company. I thank you for your polite advice. But now I have a charger to try my battery. I will try it!"
Yes I tried it and the battery was charged.
I must find the dead stocked battery.

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隠し撮り練習 un moucharde le coup

2014-11-16 13:28:02 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

I change a morning conversation with a police officer who is standing in the narrow space of the Sun ray in the cold morning.
After then I try to take a candid shot.

The result is this...lolol

(第一京浜国道、戸越一丁目、Togoshi, Ohta ward)

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瀕死の翡翠 un martin-pêcheur

2014-11-16 13:08:23 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Elle est à la dernière extrémité.
She is about to die on the pavement near the Toyoda station.
( Why do you identify this bird is female? Don't ask me, please. It must be her! if not, the situation would lessen the beautifulness of life.)

I should have pick her up to cure. But two times in these twenty years tried I cure birds on the pavement in vain. I could but leave her there.
One of my co-worker says, " You should have picked it up. And you should have taken it to a stuffed bird shop in Hachioji city. You lost the chance to change the bird to money. I'm sure you could have gotten at least one hundred yen!"

(豊田駅前、near the Toyoda station, Hino city, Tokyo)

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狙う?眠る? un chat devant une alternative

2014-11-16 12:55:07 | cats(猫)

Il se trouve devant un alternative: soit chasser, soit dormir.
He must choose between hunting and sleeping.
At last, the warm afternoon melts him into nap.

(中馬込3丁目、Nakamagome, Ohta ward)
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蝙蝠 une chauve-souris

2014-11-16 12:38:59 | birds, fish and others(生物)

In one afternoon of this August, I found a small bat in the shadow under the free way bridge. I used flash light. I know bats wouldn't care about the flash light.
I didn't try to catch or to touch him/her. In my boyhood, I tried to catch a small one in the evening darkness in a home town shrine. I got it, but the poor creature was dead owing to the broken bones and shocks. I remember the feeble softness of the body. So feeble too much! I only took the five shots and left there.

(石川町、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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250t クレーンのジブ la grue de 250 tonnes

2014-11-16 12:25:51 | site(現場スナップ)

In the town, this 250 t crane may usually be the biggest one. Rarely find I over 500 t crane in the bridge construction site.

(石川町、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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夏の蜥蜴 un lézard

2014-11-16 12:19:34 | birds, fish and others(生物)
He or she was the biggest one which I've seen during this Summer.
Beside the rail road many lizard walk around among the grass or weeds.

Since the October I've seen none of them.

(八高線、石川町付近、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)

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ラジオ体操 exercices gymnastiques radiodiffusées

2014-11-16 12:05:25 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
Ils font les exercices gymnastiques radiodiffusées.
They do radio gymnastics.

Ummm....What a long sentence the French is!
Only aged ones...lolol.

(日野多摩平第一公園、Tamadaira dai 1 Park, Tamadaira, Hino city, Tokyo.)
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Osprey V-22 un aigle pêcheur

2014-11-16 11:33:09 | sky/weather/season

The sounds of the plane which is coming near is very distinctive.
And the size is not so big as I imagined.
(The length is shorter than the common JSDF V107 (CH-46).)

I love cargo plane. So I love this one with many problems.

(Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)

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肉あんかけチャーハン un pilaf chinois

2014-11-16 11:17:48 | Foods(食)

The cooks put on black T-shirt with the words, "チャーハン命;Chahan(chinese pilaf)
-inochi(=life, they mean they take pride in their dish of Chahan.)
The price is reasonable and the taste is with a little much MSG.
But this dish is not so bad one.

(炒王、吉祥寺、Kichijoji,Mitaka city, Tokyo)
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