one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


パセリの散歩 la reine d'Asagaya

2013-07-28 21:10:52 | cats(猫)

The cat, Paseri, is as big as an elephant.

(阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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業務用扇風機 visage du ventilateur

2013-07-28 21:08:06 | what?why?(ん?)

When I sit on a stool for rest on a maintenance deck of Shinkansen train yard, it's just beside me.

(八潮三丁目、Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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コケティッシュ visage de la coquetterie

2013-07-28 21:05:59 | what?why?(ん?)

Elle est très coquette? ( She is so so coquettish?)

(八潮三丁目、Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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あるぽらんの壁 les affiches

2013-07-28 21:03:59 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The old posters are the days we've passed through.
I am as ragged as the posters.
Oh, happy days! Sure! Those days!

(あるぽらん、阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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テストの復習会 la révision des examens

2013-07-28 21:02:11 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The girl high-school students change the reviews of their exams before the summer holiday in a coffee shop where I use for changing my mind from the working time to the home-private time. Their mistakes and faults they regret are very nostalgic ones I had done almost half a century ago.

(Tullys, Asagaya station, Suginami ward)
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温めずに食べられる sans cuisine

2013-07-28 20:58:00 | Foods(食)

I try a new food. This is a curry dish without heating. The vendor says it can be preserved for the earthquake in the near future. On the day people would be unable to use fire for cooking and nevertheless they could enjoy the curry and rice (if they could get cooked rice.)
The taste is good. It would be well with bread. I have an idea to get it and to preserve it, but I always forget to get it in the supermarket. Lololol.
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現場飯全品400円 l'affiche du Bento

2013-07-28 20:56:28 | site(現場スナップ)

This is the catalog of the lunch box for a month which would be delivered to the construction site. The price is very reasonable.
They say the taste is good.
But I've never ordered it because the volume is too big and so much of oil is usually used.
(上連雀、Kamirenjaku, Mitaka city, Tokyo)
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お家はあっちよ la grosse pluie

2013-07-28 20:55:07 | sky/weather/season

The bus stops at a stop in the hard rain. The mother indicates her son and daughter to walk toward the home.
(港南五丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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茹でたて la pieuvre encore chaude

2013-07-28 20:53:57 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

I am walking through a narrow shopping street to find an octopus just been boiled. The master of this fish shop lies it in front of the shop to cool it down.

(魚政、高円寺北二丁目、Koenjikita, Suginami ward)
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本の中1 dans le livre 1 : le pore

2013-07-28 20:51:57 | dans le livre本の中

When I find no concentration or energy in my mind to work, I love flip the pages of picture dictionary.
I've seen this page more than dozen times. But this day my eyes stop on a photo of « le pore ». What picture is this? What is pore?
The theme of this page is Face. So this must be a part of the face. But I can't find the answer in several minutes.
Can you find the answer without consulting an English-Japanese dictionary?

(Bilingual Visual Dictionary French english; A Dorling Kindersley Book)
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