one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


2015 カレンダー le calendrier 2015

2014-12-31 00:02:41 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

I got it well with my old Ricoh GX200.
It's so easy to take a close-up picture.
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ニコイチカレンダー le calendrier

2014-12-30 23:53:13 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

I keep testing the Sony RX100m2 still. I can't do the macro-picture-mode( close-up picture mode) well with my new camera. I tried seven pictures and at last I got this. lol.

A mobile phone company gave me the 2015 calender last month.
I gather it to the old calender stand.
An animation movie heroine Kiki stands in her room on the stand which is of the 2005 calender.

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豆かん les pois rouges cuits au sucre

2014-12-30 23:36:07 | cake(ケーキ)

I love all of boiled beans and peas with sugar.
This desert is red peas. The price is not so cheap , but the taste is so good.

(巣鴨栄太楼、Sugamo, Toshima ward)
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メンチカレー le riz au curry

2014-12-30 23:05:45 | Foods(食)

This is a dish of curry and rice with minced pork cutlet.
The curry sauce has very nostalgic colors and taste for me.
It is the same as I once enjoyed at Maruhachi restaurant in Asagaya which closed almost twenty years ago. I have missed the taste. At last I happened to encounter the same one.
This is the big surprise of this year!

(満留賀、日野台、Hinodai, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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鉄道橋煉瓦 les briques d'un pont de chemin de fer

2014-12-30 22:51:00 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

From Hamamatsucho station, through Tokyo central station to Okachimachi station You can see the old but very strong brick railroad bridges. Modern Japanese has already lost the way to make those bricks. Those bricks have beautiful colors, but the owners who use the arches as shop or restaurant would cover the colors with signboards and ugly decorations.
So I stand still in front of the brick wall to memorize it in my brain.

(有楽町、Yurakucho, Chiyoda ward)
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百年の色 les couleurs de cent ans

2014-12-30 22:31:42 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

These colors appear after the break up of an old restaurant in the railroad bridge between Tokyo station and Yurakucho station for the reconstruction for earthquake. The bricks arch walls were constructed about a hundred years ago. Those structure is very strong, but the earthquake coming in the future may be stronger than the brick arch bridges.
Soon it will be covered with concrete. The bricks are starting to sleep another hundred years sleep.

(有楽町、Yurakucho, Chiyoda ward)
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私的グランプリ枯葉 la feuille morte

2014-12-30 22:23:40 | Plants(植物)

This is the fallen leave which has just fallen in front of me.
Perfect, beautiful...I give it the Grand-prix of this autumn leaves.
Alah, just when I lay it back on the pavement, a woman busying to her office steps on it!

(有楽町、Yurakucho, Chiyoda ward)
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有楽町の昼休み le café d'Yourakucho

2014-12-30 22:15:46 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

There's a secret to take a coffee time around Ginza and Yurakucho town.
Firstly one must find a table to sit down and then you order your menu.
If not, you should walk around in the coffee shop with a cup to give up sitting and you would take it standing in the corner.

(有楽町ドトールコーヒー、Yurakucho, Chiyoda ward)

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線路デビュー La débutante du chemin de fer

2014-12-30 22:04:41 | cats(猫)

This young girl must be a beginner to cross the railroad. She is at a loss for a while and goes back upside to the field and starts walking along the railroad to find the point where she could cross over the monster road.

(八高線、石川町、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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ビビル la débutante èffrayée

2014-12-30 21:24:42 | cats(猫)

She can't know what is coming with the trembling earth. She stops all her moving.

(八高線、石川町、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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